So... I'm currently in Portugal, half way through a three week tour, with no gas. I'll post separately about possible solutions, but I'm curious about the cause.
We're in a new to us Bailey Autograph 2017, 79-4t. We first used it earlier this month, when we went four days off grid in Norfolk, to check gas usage. On return, after weighing the used and full bottles, reckoned we'd used two thirds of a bottle. Which meant that the full 6k plus one third would last the Portuguese trip.
Duly swapped the bottles over when first, part-used, bottle ran out after two days. But the second has run out today, after just one day off grid.
I'd thought I could get a faint whiff of gas when sitting next to the locker. The connection to the bottle was tight and everything else is as it was with the first bottle. So is it a faulty cylinder?
I ask because this also happened last year, in our former van. Faint smell if gas, all conne tions tight, one bottle ran out after just a couple of days. Do the bottles have an expiry date? Could corrosion affect them? Curious to see if I'm the only one.
We're in a new to us Bailey Autograph 2017, 79-4t. We first used it earlier this month, when we went four days off grid in Norfolk, to check gas usage. On return, after weighing the used and full bottles, reckoned we'd used two thirds of a bottle. Which meant that the full 6k plus one third would last the Portuguese trip.
Duly swapped the bottles over when first, part-used, bottle ran out after two days. But the second has run out today, after just one day off grid.
I'd thought I could get a faint whiff of gas when sitting next to the locker. The connection to the bottle was tight and everything else is as it was with the first bottle. So is it a faulty cylinder?
I ask because this also happened last year, in our former van. Faint smell if gas, all conne tions tight, one bottle ran out after just a couple of days. Do the bottles have an expiry date? Could corrosion affect them? Curious to see if I'm the only one.