Is It Just Me Who Gets Really Cross With... (1 Viewer)

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Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
I am glad there are others like me who don't rate blogs, thought everyone on here had one but me, I would much rather have realtime updates of someone's trip on here , so that you can reply or ask questions such as @Robert Clark trips .
One thing about odd blogs I have dipped into , they always seem upside down, you always start reading the latest installment or have to scroll down to where you left off, and by then you have already gone past what they have done.
Saying that though , I have every admiration for anyone who has the patience to do it.
Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
I am glad there are others like me who don't rate blogs, thought everyone on here had one but me, I would much rather have realtime updates of someone's trip on here , so that you can reply or ask questions such as @Robert Clark trips .
One thing about odd blogs I have dipped into , they always seem upside down, you always start reading the latest installment or have to scroll down to where you left off, and by then you have already gone past what they have done.
Saying that though , I have every admiration for anyone who has the patience to do it.

The problem is when you start on an adventure like fulltiming lots of people, friends, family and work colleagues all ask you to keep in touch and let them know how you are getting on. Some want you on Facebook, some on a forum, some via twitter, email, etc etc etc.

A blog for me was supposed to be the easy way that anyone who is interested can keep track of what I am up to without me having to post to 10's of different places.

The problems I have found is, that although I have loads to post about, I lack the motivation and discipline to keep it up to date. I have well over 200 draft articles in my blog to finish/polish and post... It is a nightmare and each time I look at it I get demoralised. Writing a blog post is not a 2 minute thing unless you have very little to say, in which case why bother saying it.....

Anyway @JJ yes, it would irritate me if I ever saw it. My personal rule is, I contribute first then if someone is interested I will post a link to a relevant article not to the main page.

I believe I have a link in my footer, but I have those turned off so never see them...


Jul 19, 2007
Sutton on Sea, UK
Funster No
Adria Panel Van.
Since 1988
I am glad there are others like me who don't rate blogs, thought everyone on here had one but me, I would much rather have realtime updates of someone's trip on here , so that you can reply or ask questions such as @Robert Clark trips .
One thing about odd blogs I have dipped into , they always seem upside down, you always start reading the latest installment or have to scroll down to where you left off, and by then you have already gone past what they have done.
Saying that though , I have every admiration for anyone who has the patience to do it.

I think JJ is referring to those who point to an off-site blog rather than Funs own blogs.

Blogs are best when they start with the last post first, the reason for that is most blogs are followed and read regularly so you want the latest content the easiest to get at rather than plough through years of posts to get to the latest. That said most blogs allow you to easily reverse the order for reading.

One thing a blog does better than a regular post is keep things together, and readers don't have to read through hundreds of posts to get to the next blog post. With a blog, comments are always below the content so don't get lost. (y)

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Jun 22, 2008
Funster No
A Class
7 Years
We do a blog and there is a link to it in our sig ( now deleted ) we don't have adds so it does not matter how many hits we get .

We don't post personal details all we post is aires campsites ie costs afew pictures etc , we also post gps coordinates for any GPL / LPG we find.We also have a link on our blog to this forum.

We had alot of help when we first started and it was a way of giving back by posting aires etc.


Free Member
Jun 22, 2008
Funster No
A Class
7 Years
Why is that ? Don't be put off by this thread, putting your blog in your sig is not pushing into people's faces.

My blog is my pictures and in my sig it stays.

Not put off just thought we were helping people we will still do our blog it lets the kids know where we are , also its handy because we forget where we have been sometimes :D


May 1, 2008
Quinta Majay, Pinheiro Bordalo, Portugal
Funster No
Burstner Privilege T
over 50 years
Mr Zepp... with over 500 posts over 8 years on Fun you are, without any doubt what so ever, a fully fledged, Funster.

I have no concerns at all with you telling other Funsters how to get to your blog.

You have have more than "done your bit" in my book.

JJ :cool:
Last edited:


May 1, 2008
Quinta Majay, Pinheiro Bordalo, Portugal
Funster No
Burstner Privilege T
over 50 years
Jun 30, 2010
Funster No
1992 VW Auto sleeper Mono
Since 2005 this time
I don't have a blog, as in "Today I crossed the road without the Lollypop Lady stopping the Traffic, Doctor says I will walk in about 6 months "
It's not a daily thing, if I find a place be it a chippie or a greasy Spoon or pub, that gives good value/good food then I stick it in. Been a while since I've put anything down, maybe it's because I haven't been anywhere that is exceptional .

The Dotties

Free Member
Jan 31, 2015
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In between
Ex Newbie
Creep. :( Tried that myself. He still charges you the full £15.00

Blogs. Must admit I don't read them, mainly because I couldn't write them. No interaction. It's like having a conversation with next doors dog, not knowing if it's listening, or out taking a dump.o_O

"Today I went for a walk in the park. Such a pretty place, with many rare and exotic dog turds growing in abundance. Then, I stopped at the park cafe, and had a cup of tea, milk, but no sugar, in a cute little cup bearing a picture of a chap with his PARTS out.....Very nice. Then, I strolled.......AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

You've got the start of a blog! Don't give up now, it's starting to get interesting:)
May 8, 2016
silver coast, portugal
Funster No
C Class: 7 years
Boatie for 20 years
Creep. :( Tried that myself. He still charges you the full £15.00

Blogs. Must admit I don't read them, mainly because I couldn't write them. No interaction. It's like having a conversation with next doors dog, not knowing if it's listening, or out taking a dump.o_O

"Today I went for a walk in the park. Such a pretty place, with many rare and exotic dog turds growing in abundance. Then, I stopped at the park cafe, and had a cup of tea, milk, but no sugar, in a cute little cup bearing a picture of a chap with his PARTS out.....Very nice. Then, I strolled.......AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
You nearly got away with that!! :D

I had to try, after all, 15 quid is still fifteen quid :)

What I can't understand are these people who use Twitter to tell us that they're on the train, on the job, getting their buttocks waxed or on the loo. What's up with them that they think we'll find their mundane and pointless existences that interesting? And worse still, they are so self obsessed they feel they have to get "selfie sticks" and post pictures of themselves all over their bloody Facebook pages, whilst making sure that there us no such thing as a quiet good value restaurant by advertising it to like minded vacuous dullards on Trip Advisor and ruining it for everyone else (save the owner of the restaurant, who immediately puts up his prices)


Deceased RIP
Sep 14, 2013
Funster No
Was a newbie, now a Middie.
You nearly got away with that!! :D

I had to try, after all, 15 quid is still fifteen quid :)

What I can't understand are these people who use Twitter to tell us that they're on the train, on the job, getting their buttocks waxed or on the loo. What's up with them that they think we'll find their mundane and pointless existences that interesting? And worse still, they are so self obsessed they feel they have to get "selfie sticks" and post pictures of themselves all over their bloody Facebook pages, whilst making sure that there us no such thing as a quiet good value restaurant by advertising it to like minded vacuous dullards on Trip Advisor and ruining it for everyone else (save the owner of the restaurant, who immediately puts up his prices)
To someone with a lack of friends, Faceache and Splitter were a dream come true. At last, they could 'talk' to someone other then the milkman, express themselves..(Get it.....Express......Dairies.....), to others they didnt know. The perfect solution for all the Billy No Mates of the planet.........But then others jumped on board, and expanded the stupidness of it all, to such a degree that men and women cant just MEET anymore, in a casual way, in the pub or whatever, they have to meet through this so called SOCIAL MEDIA!! My God, if all the mobile phones and computers in the world were now switched off, the birth rate would fall through the deck! :Eeek:


Jul 10, 2008
Planet Zog
Funster No
A woosh bang van
since 2008
I am glad there are others like me who don't rate blogs, thought everyone on here had one but me, I would much rather have realtime updates of someone's trip on here , so that you can reply or ask questions such as @Robert Clark trips .
One thing about odd blogs I have dipped into , they always seem upside down, you always start reading the latest installment or have to scroll down to where you left off, and by then you have already gone past what they have done.
Saying that though , I have every admiration for anyone who has the patience to do it.
Some blogs are interesting and very well written/funny (Mousy is a good example). Others are just an ego trip "look how rich we are" etc etc. I used to write a travel blog for my car club mainly to reduce the stress of travel and shamelessly taking the p out of situations, but stopped quite a long time ago as I became bored with it.

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Free Member
Oct 9, 2015
Worcestershire and Brittany
Funster No
A Class
Just starting
My God, if all the mobile phones and computers in the world were now switched off, the birth rate would fall through the deck! :Eeek:
And there would no MHF either. Social media isn't just facebook and twitter. MHF is part of it too and many people on here (including you if I may be so bold as to say it) use MHF in just the same way as you are criticising others using facebook.
Nothing wrong with social media, you can post what you want and others can choose to read it or not.


Deceased RIP
Sep 14, 2013
Funster No
Was a newbie, now a Middie.
And there would no MHF either.
Sorry, different animal. (y)
Social media isn't just facebook and twitter.
Of coarse it is....OK, there are a few more coming into the pipeline, but hey, basically, those two are the market leaders.
MHF is part of it too and many people on here (including you if I may be so bold as to say it) use MHF in just the same way as you are criticising others using facebook.
Well I dont. Simply because I dont have an account with either. :) And, (like your good self), I reserve the right to criticise what I wish.
Nothing wrong with social media, you can post what you want and others can choose to read it or not.
Which you cant on *FUN*.

Who polices Facebook and the other twod??.........Nobody.
Who polices MHF?...........Jim
What can I say about anyone on facebook? Almost anything I like.
What can I say about anyone on *FUN*?.......Almost anything I like, but then I will be banned for even suggesting that someone may want to 'get a life', or 'get out more'.:cry:
Who gets banned on Facebook??.........No one.
How much does it cost in subscription fees to be a member of Facebook?........Nowt
How much does it cost to be a member of *FUN*?.... £15.00 per year.
Would I get a discount from Facebook for goods and services advertised on there?.......No
Would I get a discount for goods and services advertised on *FUN*?.........Yes.
Is Facebook hack free?........No
Is *FUN* hack free?.....Up until now, yes.

Motorhome Fun is a single interest site. In encapsulates all peoples who have an interest, or own, a motorhome. Interest sites have been running for very many years, umlike Facebook and Twitter.
So really, there is very little similarity. (y)


Free Member
Oct 9, 2015
Worcestershire and Brittany
Funster No
A Class
Just starting
So really, there is very little similarity. (y)
You are wrong and if you had a facebook account you would probably know it. There is every similarity. Yes there are some differences but the principle of social media applies to all forms of it including special interest forums. Whether you pay to be a member or not. Facebook includes many special interest groups, including a couple of very popular motorhome ones I know of. MHF has a presence on facebook. These groups are usually policed, just like MHF and at least one of them does negotiate discounts with some suppliers.
MHF isn't just about motorhomes. There is same diverse and random range of topics posted in the U shaped lounge as in other forums and facebook. The common factor in MHF is that we all have a common interest. A common factor on facebook is that you only see and respond to posts made by people you connected to by a common interest.
I'm only posting this because I find it amusing that people condemn facebook yet use other forms of social media to do exactly what they are condemning.


Deceased RIP
Sep 14, 2013
Funster No
Was a newbie, now a Middie.
I'm only posting this because I find it amusing that people condemn facebook yet use other forms of social media to do exactly what they are condemning.
Well, then lets leave it at that then Paul. I will continue with *FUN*, but I wont subscribe to Social Media. (y) I mean by that the Facebook and Twitter stuff, where thousands follow the every move to the loo by those deemed to be 'celebrities', where school kids get bullied into taking their own lives, where others get 'groomed' by pedophiles, where women are put in fear of being hurt by stalkers, and where police officers and servicemen are threatened with death.
If that sort of thing winds your clock, then that's fine by me mate. (y)
May 8, 2016
silver coast, portugal
Funster No
C Class: 7 years
Boatie for 20 years
Much as I hate to agree with Tootles, I do happen to agree on this one.

A forum is an entirely different thing to the likes of Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Linkedin, Tinder, etc, etc, inasmuch that it is non invasive. By which I mean that your location is not used, your contact lists are not accessed, your networks with others are not exposed and users of the forum are moderated. We don't want to indiscriminately broadcast where we are (UK or .PT), any more than we want visitors or family to know our business at second hand anymore than we want to play piggy in the middle in inadvertently sharing their "secrets". But we value our privacy, we're not into being on anyone's mailing list or in any telephone directories or selling our private contact information for entries into scam "free draws".

And if people realised just how much information they give away about themslevs, or others shared about them, then we wouldn't see so many surprised faces when they end up in the courts

But that's our choice, we respect other people's choices, as long as they don't compromise our privacy in the process
Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
I mean by that the Facebook and Twitter stuff, where thousands follow the every move to the loo by those deemed to be 'celebrities', where school kids get bullied into taking their own lives, where others get 'groomed' by pedophiles, where women are put in fear of being hurt by stalkers, and where police officers and servicemen are threatened with death.
If that sort of thing winds your clock, then that's fine by me mate. (y)

My facebook account is full of people much like on here. There are no celebrities followed, no paedophiles, no women are harmed and there are quite a few servicemen and women). Only one person posts about the food they are eating and usually has a twist. Anyone gets nasty on my facebook feed and they get unfollowed. Same as you can ignore people on here who wind you up. The 5 most recent posts on my facebook feed are;
1) My sister telling a funny story about my youngest nephew.
2) A friend telling us she has finally cancelled her Sky (saw thread about that on here recently)
3) A funny about christmas (coca cola lorry funny).
4) An American friend having a whinge about black friday (think I saw someone on here do the same?)
5) A friend who is on holiday in Japan making a comment about the earth quake.

Facebook is what you make it. If you follow celebs, have friends who constantly rant on about stuff you have no interest in, have paedophiles and women abusers. It says more about your ability to choose people to follow and the friends you have than the platform itself.

There is no difference in reality between facebook and here other than here you pay up front and on facebook you pay by looking at adverts.

I use facebook to keep in touch with my friends some who are motorhomers but the vast majority aren't. This forum is a social group aimed at motorhomers. Facebook is a social group where you can choose what type of people you mingle with.
Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
By which I mean that your location is not used, your contact lists are not accessed, your networks with others are not exposed and users of the forum are moderated. We don't want to indiscriminately broadcast where we are (UK or .PT),
You would be surprised what they know even if you aren't a member. Unless you actively block them then you have what is known as a shadow account on all these networks.
For instance when you visit a news site that has a facebook thumbs up sign, facebook know you went to that site, they also know all the other sites you went to. If you do anything on your phone that has even the vaguest connection to facebook then your location can be guessed. The IP address of a wifi point may have been logged as a specific location by another user so when you log on they know where you are.

You really do have to know what you are doing to avoid this now days.
Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
PS: I study this stuff and work with it all the time. I do my best to prevent advertisers following me, in fact on that front I believe I am pretty much a clean skin. Social networks know what I do within their network but not much more because I have their trackers blocked. I don't have GPS turned on, on my phone. So even when I am logged into Facebook they don't know where I am. etc etc etc. It is something you actively have to study and act on if you want to avoid them.

So in my view, if you have a use for facebook and don't use it for privacy reasons you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
May 8, 2016
silver coast, portugal
Funster No
C Class: 7 years
Boatie for 20 years
Me, too, it used to be my job during a career interlude that led me to an intensive MOD security audit

I have no use for FB, etc, so no loss to me

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Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
I have no use for FB, etc, so no loss to me
There ya go then :p You don't need it, you are not forced to use it.

I use it because I have friends all over the word and family all over the country. It is the easiest and most convenient way of keeping in touch with all of them. I also find out stuff that is happening, meets, weddings, accidents etc etc etc.


Deceased RIP
Sep 14, 2013
Funster No
Was a newbie, now a Middie.
This forum is a social group aimed at motorhomers. Facebook is a social group where you can choose what type of people you mingle with.
Right.........................................So, there is a difference?? (y)
Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
Right.........................................So, there is a difference?? (y)
There is no difference in reality. I type crap into the computer, other people answer it. I can ignore people on both.


Jun 23, 2010
Norfolk and Toftir.
Funster No
July 2010 (ex tugger)
Like others I have friends and relations all over, particularly in the Faroes and Denmark and find Facebook vital to keep up to date with all that goes on, and virtually instant contact free when we have need of it. The privacy and feed options are there to be used, no need to read all the crap about what someone had for dinner or where their dog chose to crap on last night's walk.

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