Insurance a rip off


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May 30, 2008
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Ilfracombe, Devon
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since 1967
Insurance companies only want to insure the lowest risks. For years I have looked for a company to cover me driving any vehicle, why because at different times of the year I need different vehicles. I do not need my motorhome insuring 12 months of the year. I do not need my 4 x 4 12 months of the year, Ideally I would like an insurance with a company that allows change of vehicle a few times a year. When not in use my vehicles are kept on private land at my risk so why should I have to take out umpteen insurances. I drive ford escort van for economy most of the year, during April till october have a motorhome on the road as well, then from Oct to March a 4 x 4, why do I need three policies, the cost is crippling and it has to change or give up. So anyone recomend a company who will allow vehicle changes between motorhome and 4 x 4 at a reasonable rate. Over all milage is under 5000 per year.
hi Wildman

my present insurer does my RV, my group 19, old Peugeot, and my daily drive, a Diesel Citroen.. all FC and I have 3?4 years NCB on one and 2 on the RV, nothing on the Pug...

700 all in.. seems pretty good considering i am 34..


ps. blackfriars are the company
The problem is your vehicles are probably insured against fire & theft, you might be driving one vehicle but the other at locked up at home home is still a risk to the insurer. Have you asked for second vehicle discounts, some companies do them, though they don't discount too much, every little bit helps:Smile:
Hi Roger go to a brokers and explain you will want to change vehicles ie van to 4 x 4 mid year but will only need cover for 1 IE do not want to pay extra for changing -- they will try to charge you a set fee -- but agree before hand what you want and get it in writing :thumb:You can also get what used to be called open policy that enables you to drive any vehicle :BigGrin: up to an agreed value a bit like a traders policy
BTW I use my sons traders so get it for free or should I say virtual free as I get the job of updating vehicles on and off cover :Rofl1: But keep a separate policy for the M/H £225 per yr
If you have an open policy, does that mean the vehicles are only be insured when you are in them?

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Yes Jim it used to save giving insurers details every other day to drive other cars, but you had to tell them change of vehicle within 14 days.
A traders policy covers any vehicle you own whether it be 1 or 100 for all risks--parked up or driving but again you have to supply details within 7/14 days and only get trade value on any vehicles with what is usually a high excess (500) of any claim.Son pays anything from 1100 to 1800 depending on who's on cover and max payout :thumb:plus what he is insured to drive.This year he paid less for traders policy than it cost to insure the STI on it own :BigGrin:
try a trade policy i got one for 450 covers me for anything
only one vehicle at a time is on the road, I am the only driver, don't need fire and theft for vehicles I am not driving, all are fairly low value any way and would not be replaced if written off. TPO used to be quite a saving but now only a few quid differance between that and fully comp. A traders policy, too expensive, and if I could afford over £400 let alone £700 a year for insurance I'd not be asking the question. I appreciate I am trying to live a lifestyle I cannot afford when living by normal rules, hence never using sites, using Veggie oil when cheaper etc. Roll on a lottery win.
try a company called E,CAR just put it in the search
insurance for your escort 4x4 not a prob from a day to monthly etc
best to look yourself all done on line cheepest ive found
For years I have looked for a company to cover me driving any vehicle, why because at different times of the year I need different vehicles.....the cost is crippling and it has to change or give up.
Everyone would like what you want but it's never going to happen and as you feel £400 is 'too expensive', i'd suggest the sensible option for you is to give up running three vehicles and stick with one which has general versatility.

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Everyone would like what you want but it's never going to happen and as you feel £400 is 'too expensive', i'd suggest the sensible option for you is to give up running three vehicles and stick with one which has general versatility.
The whole point it I only use one at a time, live a complicated life without an income, should I stop trying to live an just give up I am happy to pay for insurance I need and use but not one or two that I do not.
Thre was a time when local hauliers could collect animals to take to market but they retired, there was a time when I could haul them in a horsebox to market 10 miles away albeit at 20mph with an old tractor but they closed the market and then the next that was 20 miles away as well, I now have to travel 40miles each way. the Discovery was quite a good utility vehicl for towing and general use until the cost of fuel rose and added an extra £25 a week to my costs on an income that had not increased. Then tax increase and insurance with no extra income to offset it. I have looked after wildlife without pay all of my life, I've had to give that up. I will not give up my motorhome yet it is too big for everyday use. We both have bad backs so making a bed up every day is out of the question and we have two dogs so it kind of dictates size of motorhome.
Is it then time to call it a day, flog the van and buy a decent length of rope?
One major problem for the insurers is how would they know that only one vehicle is being used at anyone time will all other vehicle off the road?

You and your friends could be using all three all the time. Probably the only time you would come a cropper is if two of you had accidents at the same time.

The risks are too vague.

The insurers are there to make money, though they are often vary bad at this as well as being otherwise very bad.
One major problem for the insurers is how would they know that only one vehicle is being used at anyone time will all other vehicle off the road?

You and your friends could be using all three all the time. Probably the only time you would come a cropper is if two of you had accidents at the same time.

The risks are too vague.

The insurers are there to make money, though they are often vary bad at this as well as being otherwise very bad.
My insurance is owner only driving for max discount, I have never tried to drive two cars at once, maybe I should. and if insurance is third party owner only diving I cannot see the problem. No one else ever drives my vehicles, my does not drive, there is no one else.only rom for one car outside my house the others are kept on the smallholding, of road. Sorn. It is so black and white to me I don't understand the problem, hell I can't even cancel my motorhome insurance after 6 months and get the balance back, its 12 months or nowt, now that cannot be right. Enforced insurance???????
If you have (only room for one car outside my house the others are kept on the smallholding, of road. Sorn.) how can you drive the vehicles that are on Sorn without road tax.I think you are winding us up.

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Yeah Wildman, I know the feeling. I have three vehicles - Motorhome, car and motorbike to support - thats three lots of insurance, tax and servicing. The car (only 4 yeras old) has just suffered catastropic brake problem which can be fixed for £500 (booked in for tuesday). The van is due for a habitation check (has to be done properly due to warrenty) and annual service later on (combined, about £350) and with looming insurances and house insurance as well, it all looks a bit grim.
But, dont let it get you down. If you did, you might as well give up the ghost:BigGrin:
The whole point it I only use one at a time, live a complicated life without an income, should I stop trying to live an just give up I am happy to pay for insurance I need and use but not one or two that I do not.
Thre was a time when local hauliers could collect animals to take to market but they retired, there was a time when I could haul them in a horsebox to market 10 miles away albeit at 20mph with an old tractor but they closed the market and then the next that was 20 miles away as well, I now have to travel 40miles each way. the Discovery was quite a good utility vehicl for towing and general use until the cost of fuel rose and added an extra £25 a week to my costs on an income that had not increased. Then tax increase and insurance with no extra income to offset it. I have looked after wildlife without pay all of my life, I've had to give that up. I will not give up my motorhome yet it is too big for everyday use. We both have bad backs so making a bed up every day is out of the question and we have two dogs so it kind of dictates size of motorhome.
Is it then time to call it a day, flog the van and buy a decent length of rope?
cheer up roger its monday !!!!:Smile:
a lot of this is due to our loss of freedom and choice which we are having imposed on us on a daily basis almost ,,:Sad: i too gave up stock keeping and my pedegree heard of cattle because of modern beurotic ways .:Sad:
its not easy trying preserve enterprise and spirit in our country i am afraid !!:Smile:
you could use the rope to hog tie the do good pollatitions ,thereby allowing some of us to restore some of our freedoms !!! hee hee :Rofl1:
If you have (only room for one car outside my house the others are kept on the smallholding, of road. Sorn.) how can you drive the vehicles that are on Sorn without road tax.I think you are winding us up.
No wind up Russ, The 4x4 is taxed ready for the road when the motorhome comes of the road. As soon as any vehicle is laid up off road the tax disk is surrendered and vehicle declaired sorn, easy peasy. But can only drive one at a time and only park one at a time outside the house, apart from the motorhome and that is too large, for that one I drive to the smallholding and swap vehicles. That currently means two For six months bothe the escort and the motorhome are taxed, the rest of the year the motorhome is SORN, easy to understand now? The motorhome can tow in the summer but getting animals to market and collecting hay etc requires the 4x4 in the winter rather than the motorhome. Only two insurances at any one time needed not three.
Wildman, you won't like this but this is what I'd do.

1. Sell all three vehicles.
2. Buy a big gas converted pickup with a demountable unit. It will replace the little car because it will be cheap to run, it will replace your current 4x4 because you can tow with it and carry hay etc, and yes well it would be a bit of a comedown from the current m/h but think how cosy you would be. One lot of tax, one lot of insurance, one mot = affordable, and you'd still be able to live the same lifestyle.
Wildman, you won't like this but this is what I'd do.

1. Sell all three vehicles.
2. Buy a big gas converted pickup with a demountable unit. It will replace the little car because it will be cheap to run, it will replace your current 4x4 because you can tow with it and carry hay etc, and yes well it would be a bit of a comedown from the current m/h but think how cosy you would be. One lot of tax, one lot of insurance, one mot = affordable, and you'd still be able to live the same lifestyle.
Not a bad idea, I've actually had my eye open for an affordable demountable to fit on the back of amy 1968 tax exempt land rover. However the rock hard leaf springs and 2" thick foam seats would cripple me in under one hour. I haven't found a demountable yet that has a fixed bed, toilet and room for two dalmation sized dogs.
Truth be to tell I may just give up everything and vegetate indoors. The fun has gone out of it all along with my health, and whatever is left the government tax to the hilt. None of the local brokers will consider any sort of open policy, maybe I should fit a cooker in the disco and just transfer from one motorhome to another. Had thought of a small transit conversion, but the fixed bed again raises a problem. Maybe I should just shoot the dogs, horses, cattle and the wife and settle for a romahome.

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Hi Roger have you tried explaining you want a 12 mth policy with the option to change vehicle after 6 mths ??? that should be no problem,but remember to tell them that you do not want to pay then for doing this. Some want 30 sqiuds to do it :Angry::Rofl1:
see leslys post she needs your help :Rofl1::Rofl1:
Not a bad idea, I've actually had my eye open for an affordable demountable to fit on the back of amy 1968 tax exempt land rover. However the rock hard leaf springs and 2" thick foam seats would cripple me in under one hour. I haven't found a demountable yet that has a fixed bed, toilet and room for two dalmation sized dogs.
Truth be to tell I may just give up everything and vegetate indoors. The fun has gone out of it all along with my health, and whatever is left the government tax to the hilt. Maybe I should just shoot the dogs, horses, cattle and the wife and settle for a romahome.
Just think though....all of a sudden you will have loads of 'disposable' cash you had not got before! Two 'dalmation sized' dogs doesn't exactly help much either. Ok so you love dogs, but why the need for two big dogs?
Can't you do with just one or better still, a smaller dog which at least wouldn't cost as much in food. :Doh:

I'd like a couple of Ferraris and a Lambo but couldn't afford one so i run a Ford Transit instead. :BigGrin:
But i've only got one Ford Transit! :Wink:
Just think though....all of a sudden you will have loads of 'disposable' cash you had not got before! Two 'dalmation sized' dogs doesn't exactly help much either. Ok so you love dogs, but why the need for two big dogs?
Can't you do with just one or better still, a smaller dog which at least wouldn't cost as much in food. :Doh:

I'd like a couple of Ferraris and a Lambo but couldn't afford one so i run a Ford Transit instead. :BigGrin:
But i've only got one Ford Transit! :Wink:
Buying food in bulk costs less than £6 a month. The dogs spend a lot of time on their own it would be cruel to keep just one. Over grown rats do not appeal to me in the least and would be useless herding cattle.
how about swaping your farm for our hymer roger ???:Rofl1:
now let me think Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


no don't think so, where would I keep it without the smallholding.

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no don't think so, where would I keep it without the smallholding.

Ahhh ... but just think.. you could go full time, park up anywhere free, get a nice full timing policy from the friendly Comfort man :Rofl1::Rofl1::Rofl1:

the open road is calling mate.. you you know to want to... so what's keeping you .. :thumb:
Buying food in bulk costs less than £6 a month. The dogs spend a lot of time on their own it would be cruel to keep just one. Over grown rats do not appeal to me in the least and would be useless herding cattle.
Seems to me you are just having a moan like we all do at times about the cost of everything. Bottom line is, if you don't have the money in your pocket......then you can't afford it. Live by that and you won't go far wrong.

Ignore the 'pricey flash' of capitalist consumerism. They don't own the's all 'on the knock' and owned by credit companies! Folk living like that are just pretending to be wealthy......they've actually got sweet fa!
Seriously wealthy people never display or boast about what they have....they don't need to.
E car and do try blackfriars too...

I know my policy is high, but its relative (at 34).. to insure the RV and the car seperately is about the same as they are asking for the group 19 car as well.. I dont need to say how much a G19 car would cost me with no NCB, FC.. bet over a £1000 on it's own!

as for why i have 2 cars, an RV, two motorbikes and no house . lets not go there :Rofl1:

this thread was to explore ways of cutting my insurance costs, it has received a few helpful sugestions. Thanks For those. My general poverty however was not supposed to be a topic of conversation. What I have is mine, I have no debts, I owe no one anything, I live within my income how many can do that. End of thread.

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