I've been thinking about fitting reversing sensors on our 2013 Autotrail motorhome.
Been having a look around on here for advice \ recommendations on what to go for and on tinterweb for availability and pricing.
Having decided to cancel our forthcoming jaunt to D&G as a result of CV I thought I'd better take the motorhome out of storage for a wee spin to ensure batteries were fully charged having just had to get the airbag ECU reset.
So, off we go out along the motorway for half an hour or so and same back to storage.
Reversing back into our storage pitch, and given it was earlyish morning with the sun at a low angle (yeh, I know - sun, never in Scotland!) dazzled in the mirrors and reversing camera.
And, you've guessed it!
As you can see, I've got the bit that's broken out as well.
Question for the gang is, is it repairable or is it a new panel?
After trawling about on here for previous posts I was kinda thinking maybe seeing if I could get some ABS pieces (it is ABS or similar and not fibreglass) and MEK and sticking these to the back of the panel over the cracks (full access is available in situ behind the panel). And, maybe, some wet and dry paper to ease off any irregularities left on the face.
What's the thoughts?
Been having a look around on here for advice \ recommendations on what to go for and on tinterweb for availability and pricing.
Having decided to cancel our forthcoming jaunt to D&G as a result of CV I thought I'd better take the motorhome out of storage for a wee spin to ensure batteries were fully charged having just had to get the airbag ECU reset.
So, off we go out along the motorway for half an hour or so and same back to storage.
Reversing back into our storage pitch, and given it was earlyish morning with the sun at a low angle (yeh, I know - sun, never in Scotland!) dazzled in the mirrors and reversing camera.
And, you've guessed it!
As you can see, I've got the bit that's broken out as well.
Question for the gang is, is it repairable or is it a new panel?
After trawling about on here for previous posts I was kinda thinking maybe seeing if I could get some ABS pieces (it is ABS or similar and not fibreglass) and MEK and sticking these to the back of the panel over the cracks (full access is available in situ behind the panel). And, maybe, some wet and dry paper to ease off any irregularities left on the face.
What's the thoughts?