I have an extremely large long-legged and big eared white mouse! (1 Viewer)

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Lovely looking pup, is she a rescue?
Sorry I missed your question previously. No she's not a rescue, The below 'tome' should keep you occupied for now! 😁

Why did we want another dog you may ask ... well whilst we still had Lily we didn't considered it as she used to play with Minky a bit so all was good, however once she'd passed away Minky didn't have a playmate anymore (Tazzy isn't keen) and having seen how Minky was when we were on holiday, playing with a couple of dogs and really enjoying herself, we decided she could do with a buddy and that now was a good time whilst she was still young and could enjoy puppyhood type fun still (she's 17 months) so the search was on. We looked for either a dog (up to 2 years) in adverts and also at rescue dogs and very nearly got the latter but it wasn't to be (I'll tell you about that annoying 'farce' at some later point), so turned our attention to 'for sale' ads again.

I'd spotted an advert for 'mini cross' Chi/JR pups' previously but as the seller hadn't amended it (last updated 37 days earlier) I didn't think she'd have any left but hubby decided to ask just in case - we knew that if she did have one it would be a bit older which suited us better as we didn't want a young pup (ie 8 weeks) however we didn't hold out much hope. We thought they must all have gone as we didn't get a response for a while but later found that this was because the website delayed communications by 24 hours minimum each time so once we got a message to say there was one pup left we paid to have quicker comms access and finally got her phone number so we could speak to her. The seller told us that she just has pet (house) dogs and the pups were the product of her female JR and her brother's Chi, she doesn't breed them normally but when there was a previous (accidental) litter friends/neighbours homed them but others kept asking if she'd breed them again as they wanted pups too due to the parents being such lovely natured dogs, so she did.

The pup was the last of a litter of 4, the others were apparently all short legged but this little madam must've been used as the 'rope' in a tug of war by the others so her legs got stretched! 😄 It meant that she was overlooked as people wanted the shorter legged ones, for us though longer legs are a bonus ... we don't have to bend over as much to pick her up, just like our Minky! The seller just didn't bother to amend/update the advert thinking that if the pup didn't go then she'd just keep her ... making a total of 10 pet dogs!!! :oops:

I and hubby installed What's App (not had it before) then we helped the seller do the same so she could send us photos and do a video of the pup playing with her Mum - when we got the video hubby passed his phone to me to view it first and as soon as I saw it I said to hubby "she's perfect" and that I wanted her ... I just loved her gangly legs and sweet face so that was that! This was before he even saw the video so he didn't get any say but fortunately agreed with me once he had!! 😁

We travelled to Scarborough just over an hour away the following day and took Tazzy and Minky with us so we could see how they got on. We met the pup (and other dogs) on our own first so she could get to know us first, then the other dogs were put out of the way and ours two were brought in. Tazzy did her 'oh my God' look and kept out of the way whilst Minky just stared at this large white rat thing on stilts! After a bit of toing and froing, going round the sofa, chair etc they relaxed and started sniffing and checking each other out. Minky had a bit of a bark to see if she could get the pup to play but the pup just looked at her as if she was daft, the good thing is that it didn't frighten her. We stayed for a while longer, paid etc and left letting the mum see that she was going with us so she wouldn't end up looking for her everywhere.

I had the pup on my knee on the way home in Minky's pink bed and had a few naps, when we got home here eyes were wide open and she was looking everywhere as I carried her around then put her down and she had a little nose about but kept coming back to me for reassurance. Hubby took the dogs out for a run so she could explore on her own and to get some puppy food which seems to be in short supply as there was none at all in Tesco so he had to go to Asda which had very little but fortunately enough for a couple of weeks thankfully.

She's settled in well, loves cuddles and pottering round, although was hesitant at first as it was all strange to her but she and Minky soon started to tentatively play together with the toys with no issues, no trying to pinch them off the other other than in play. What we've found funny is that Minky has been putting her face close to the pup's in a non-threatening way (ears down etc) and the pup responded by giving her the odd lick, this has totally confused Minky as she was used to Lily, the dominant female, doing it, but she keeps going back for more and the pup obliges! 😀 At first Tazzy was keeping a bit of a low profile by not approaching the pup but is quite happy for the pup to be close and let her sniff her.

Minky and the pup play lots, at first Minky was whizzing past barking and the pup was twizzling round trying to play bite her as she passed but now they are both running around and chasing each other as if they've always done it, no nastiness at all although Minky gets a bit carried away with barking and overly excited squealing so that's something we're working on and she's got a bit less vocal in the last couple of days, however, the pup has finally found her 'bark and squeak' but they are very quiet compared to Minky.

She can't half eat though although she's not greedy and will leave the bowl with food in once she's had enough; we haven't had any issues regarding eating from each others bowls or getting treats which is good and she sleeps through the night and is finally learning how to alert us when she wants to go out (yes there have been accidents), where the 'toilet area' is, and has definitely bonded with us as she squeaks if we go out of the room. I was gardening today and she was in the kitchen with hubby and was squeaking to come out to me ... she's gonna be a mammy's girl ... yet another ... hubby's sulking! :giggle:

We didn't intend to get a pup, wanting something more Minky's age but that didn't work out so we'll have more training etc to do than we originally wanted but she's such a lovely little thing and has fitted in so quickly with the others that we couldn't have asked for anything better. The only downside is that she hasn't been vaccinated at all, just chipped, so we're having to wait until Thursday to get her started on that thus it'll then be another few weeks before she can go out with the others, in the meantime she and Minky enjoy running round the garden and bungalow which tires the pup out sufficiently so she has a snooze whilst hubby takes the others out ... once she realises that they are going out and she can't all hell will no doubt break loose! 😁

Hopefully that all makes sense, I've been going cross eyed trying to make it understandable ... I'm now going to bed. 😩


May 27, 2015
Bedfordshire, UK
Funster No
Hymer B584
Long time
Well done Minxy, explaining all that, a long missive for a short question!
Glad they are all getting on now.
Another Pip then, Pippa is called Pip most of the time, she also answers to psst or anything really!

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
It may be Pip ... but then again it might not ... I like Sadie, Dee-dee and Nellie more. :giggle:

When we got Minky it took us ages to settle on her name ... until I register her microchip it doesn't need to be set formally as that's what the passport etc will be based on in due course.

Please can you lot give me more suggestions for her ... hubby likes Sprout ... can you imagine shouting that when she grows the size of a giraffe!!! :oops::LOL:


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Spoke too soon about the little monster sleeping when hubby takes the others out ... squeak, squeak, squeak ... she's not daft and knows she's missing out on something but it can't be helped at the moment. She and Minky have been having a whale of a time chasing round the sofas, they are also thoroughly enjoying play fighting too and I'm surprised just how good they are seeing as they've only been with each other for such a short length of time although Minky is very, very tolerant especially when the pup pulls at Minky's cheeks/mouth, wraps her little jaws round Minky's muzzle and has a good chomp etc ... I'm amazed Minky hasn't told her off, but she hasn't, obviously Lily taught her well!

We've discovered we have to be careful with tea/coffee as the little s*d will nick it ... she had a good slurp of my (cold) coffee yesterday and ran round like a nutter for a while afterwards ... caffeine high I think! 😄

As for what we're calling her ... we THINK we might have cracked it at last ... One of the reasons its been difficult is that hubby has a tendency to shorten our dog's names, eg Tazz=Taz, Minky=Mink, Pootle=Poo. :giggle: Although we both like Luna (Loona) it would have ended up as Lun, phonetically 'Loon' ... could end up being quite apt though! 😄

Hubby is still keen on Pip-Squeak but there a problem with that too ... our dogs know that when they pick something up and we want them to drop it immediately we say 'Puh', ie the sound of the letter P (when spitting something out) so have decided to discount it along with Sadie as he's not overly keen now.

So ... after spending loads of time trying to think of names that don't sound like commands, or our other dogs/pets names, people we know etc, we're thinking of 'Bella'. Shortened it will be Bell which is quick to say (yell more likely!) with a good consonant sound at the beginning and we can exaggerate the L sound too. We'll no doubt add prefixes and suffixes to it so she'll likely also get Tinkerbell, Ding-dong-bell and Belladonna if she turns out to be a beautiful (little) lady when she grows up ... at the moment though it would be more appropriate in terms of 'deadly nightshade' when she's in mischief mode :LOL:
May 3, 2016
Ayrshire, UK
Funster No
Swift Kon-Tiki
How's about Sex then if she runs off you can ask ig anyone has seen Sex. Or you can just say your looking for Sex . Just a thought :wink:
A friend of ours had a horse called Nookie Bear, Nooks for short.......On one occasion when she went up the field calling him, I would love to have seen the look on her face when she realised there were some men working on the nearby railway line laughing at her shouting NOOKIE.


Jun 27, 2013
Funster No
Benimar 264
11 yrs
And how is Bella now? You can attach little short video clips by clicking on "attach files"

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Just a bit of an update, the little monster has well and truly settled in, she's learned to sit and stay and we're working on other commands, she's also coming when her name is called, knows to paddle at the door to go out (most of the time!), and has already got hubby trained so when she gives him a certain look in a morning and at tea-time he knows she wants her grub.

Bella and Minky are getting on like a house on fire, they were reticent at first as you'd expect until they got to know each other properly but now you'd think they'd always been together, play fighting, chasing, eating next to each other with no jealousy to speak of and happy to share a bowl; both come to me for a cuddle without trying to wrestle for attention or being nasty if one gets to me first although Bella does like to snuggle right next to me for a snooze and Minky is happy to let her. They lay next to each other, on each other and on a night instead of cuddling up to hubby the now snuggle each other. We couldn't have asked for a better 'fit' to our family and Minky is having a second puppy-hood and loving it. Tazzy at first was 'grumpy' as she always is with other dogs until she gets to know them but is now happy to be approached and occasionally jumps on, or sat/laid next to by Bella so doesn't feel threatened or pushed out, quite chilled in fact.

Our home looks like a tip with toys all over the place but that's the price to pay for having pups/young dogs who are just so happy to have each other to play with - they whiz by from room to room having a whale of a time which is great as it tires Bella out so she has a snooze whilst hubby takes Minky and Tazzy out for a run. All 3 had their vacs last week so in a couple more weeks' time Bella will be able to go out with the others ... I can't wait to see what she makes of the great outdoors and get to see her having a good run around. She hasn't been in the MH yet as it's a bit of a tip as we've been sorting/cleaning it but once she's got her 'freedom to roam' we'll have a few days away to get her used to it ... should be fun!

She's really grown though and is now as tall as Minky and will soon overtake her as her legs have got so long and don't show any sign of stopping - at this rate she's gonna hit the ceiling. :giggle:

I'll see if I can do some videos of them playing ... up until now as soon as I get ready to video them they little s*ds stop playing ... typical!

Bella & Minky 2.jpg
Bella and Minky.jpg
Kangaroo kid.jpg


Oct 1, 2012
Funster No
Mercedes Sprinter
Since 1968'ish
Last edited:


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Daughter has the male equivalent "Alfie" extremely lively black and tan as the mongrel next to mouse.
Likes me as I sneek him treats 😁
Mongrel 🤨 ... MONGREL.😡 ... !!!!

I'll have you know she's a pure bred miniature Alsatian ..... :giggle:

... well in her mind she is ... rather than a 'Chisel' (Chihuahua / JR cross). :LOL:


Oct 1, 2012
Funster No
Mercedes Sprinter
Since 1968'ish
Was only jesting yes identical to Alfie who dribbles a ball better than any Argyle player 😁

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
I've been sorting out photos so thought I'd put a few on of Bella, Minky and Tazzy. She's grown and her legs show no sign of stopping!

They are all getting on really well, Tazzy even lets her snuggle in the bed with her!

3 in a bed.jpg

Bella & Minky.jpg
snooze time.jpg
Biscuit time.jpg


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
They've commandeered the conservatory as their play room, and like the sofa, chairs and adore the bean bags!

chair 1.jpg
chair 2.jpg
Beany 1.jpg
Beany 2.jpg
Bella & Minky licking.jpg
Bella loves Tazzy.jpg
Feb 19, 2018
Funster No
Murvi Morello
Since 1975
I'm sure she's gonna be. 😀 She's quiet, and I mean really quiet, hardly makes a noise, just the odd little squeak, I've heard her have one bark and that's it. She's not deaf nor dumb but is just a very quiet dog (for now at least) ... makes a change from our Minky who barks when she wants to 'encourage' dogs to play with her, hopefully we'll end up with both somewhere in the middle of the decibel scale! :LOL:

We're trying to think of names as she's been called Tilly which is way too close to Lily so our other dogs react when we use that name which isn't a good thing. :cry: We have come up with several though, the obvious one is Mouse but hubby's not keen and she'll probably keep growing and end up like a gazelle anyway ... no I will NOT be calling her Bambi! :oops:

Other options are: Holly, Clover, Posey, Maisy, Daisy, Sorrel, Lupin, Lubie, Lexie, Luna, Lottie, Berry, Cherry, Molly and Pepper - hubby likes the latter and I do too but I think we might slip up and say Poppy as we used to have a dog called that so not sure. We've also come up with Shadow and Ninja as she creeps up on us without us even knowing she's there ... poor Minxy has jumped a few times when this little 'ghost' turned up next to her. :giggle:

I also like Coco, short for Coconut not Cocaine! ::bigsmile:

Anyone else got any suggestions for a sensible name?

Called all my dogs 'Fang' how about 'White Fang' and you could claim they wrote a novel about it! :LOL:


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Well my not so little Bella has just been at the vets ... she's had the 'op' so no risk of puppies. The staff absolutely loved her - every time they checked her she'd creep towards them for a cuddle, such a quiet and adorable little girl ... until she felt a bit better that was ... for the last hour she had been wittering away at them continuously. :giggle: They weighed her and she's now 4.4kg, when we last weighed her in France just over 3 weeks ago she was 3.7kg ... at this rate I'm gonna have a long legged elephant!

As far as we know she hasn't had a season, unless it's been so light that she didn't swell etc as there are certainly no signs that she has, we'll have to ask the vet if there were any indications one way or the other, not that it really matters though.

She wouldn't eat any food at the vets but hubby had microwaved her some white fish (whiting) and she's happily scoffed a bit of that ... I hate the smell though but I'm 'suffering' for my little Baby Bella Bo!

She now snuggling her 'baby' on the sofa.


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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Spoke too soon, she decided to lick her wound so I've put a baby vest on her and she's decided she wants a cuddle from 'mammy'. :giggle:

Apr 27, 2008
Eastbourne East Sussex
Funster No
Hymer low profile
Since 1972
I think the suggestion of Pip is an excellent one. As far as I am concerned a dogs name is for the dogs benefit so needs to be easily recognised by them. A single syllable is best and the hard 'P' is particularly easily recognised. All my dogs have had single syllable names and it works fine, though they may be called other things in practice. SWMBO often calls Spice 'Buggerlugs' though he doesn't respond to it like his actual name.


Oct 1, 2019
Funster No
Still dropping clangers and making it up as I go along
I think the suggestion of Pip is an excellent one. As far as I am concerned a dogs name is for the dogs benefit so needs to be easily recognised by them. A single syllable is best and the hard 'P' is particularly easily recognised. All my dogs have had single syllable names and it works fine, though they may be called other things in practice. SWMBO often calls Spice 'Buggerlugs' though he doesn't respond to it like his actual name.
Most sheep dog handlers have short names for their working dogs helps them to give instruction apparently


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
I think the suggestion of Pip is an excellent one. As far as I am concerned a dogs name is for the dogs benefit so needs to be easily recognised by them. A single syllable is best and the hard 'P' is particularly easily recognised. All my dogs have had single syllable names and it works fine, though they may be called other things in practice. SWMBO often calls Spice 'Buggerlugs' though he doesn't respond to it like his actual name.
We ended up with Bella, Bell for short, as she'd been called Tilly we wanted to keep a similar-ish sound (didn't want to keep Tilly as it sounded like Lily). Of course she gets Belly-button, Button and Boo and she responds to them all, as have all our dogs, Minky is also called Moo, Stinky-girl, and anything else we fell like when the little s*d is in one of her 'ignorant' moods! Our Kizzie was called Piggy, Pigwig and Whizzy, Pootle was Poo, Spud, Puddle, Barley was Mo, Mo-Mo ...

Duck Truck

Free Member
Feb 27, 2015
UP North
Funster No
Hobby 725
since 2012
That's gonna cost a lot in cheese!!!!

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
That's gonna cost a lot in cheese!!!!
She's not quite such a 'Baby Bell' now, she's only 10 months and taller than Minky who's 2! ... I'm now wondering if the small male dog was her dad or if they had an interloper ... can dogs breed with giraffes?


Oct 1, 2019
Funster No
Still dropping clangers and making it up as I go along
She's not quite such a 'Baby Bell' now, she's only 10 months and taller than Minky who's 2! ... I'm now wondering if the small male dog was her dad or if they had an interloper ... can dogs breed with giraffes?
Only if they lay down :giggle:

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