At sometime between lockdowns we took the MH to the dealer to have a new habitation door fitted as the existing door was warped. The work was done, we took the MH home and another lockdown started. When the dealership was open again I telephoned and sent a picture of yellow looking glue along the door seal and around to cubby hole in the door. Oh said the dealer, try to get it off with remover of some kind, if it won’t come off drop in when you are passing and we will see to it. We then had another lockdown. Now we can go out and about again it needs seeing to. We don’t really want to trail back to the dealer to spend a day sat waiting for them to try to clean it. I have tried most things that should have budged it, but to no avail, any thoughts on what to use. Some of it is along the door seal so I will need to mask off the rubber so as not to damage it.