Can anyone identify this component on the top LH of my 2.8Hdi engine. While generally looking around the area I noticed a bare electrical terminal on nthe end of the round bit. Found a loose wire with a similar connector fallen/tucked? behind the intake manifold.
As far as I can remember I have not touched it before. A couple of years ago I did run a larger wire through the area to feed my leisure battery but the van has run OK for thousands of miles since.
About three months ago the van has started to drop into limp mode for a minute or two then acting normally. It happened the first time after braking sharply, again after hitting bumps. Seems to happen more often in the first mile when leaving home. I have been randomly unplugging various sensors and spraying with WD40 so hope all will be OK now.
I bought an adapter cable, 3 pin to OBD socket, tried with a generic OBD reader, did not manage to read much other than it thought the intake air temp was 215'C and it ticked over at 190 rpm. I also bought a Lexia diagnostic kit, the software seemed to load OK but could not connect to the ECU. Have sent it back.
EDIT, sorry forgot to add phot.
As far as I can remember I have not touched it before. A couple of years ago I did run a larger wire through the area to feed my leisure battery but the van has run OK for thousands of miles since.
About three months ago the van has started to drop into limp mode for a minute or two then acting normally. It happened the first time after braking sharply, again after hitting bumps. Seems to happen more often in the first mile when leaving home. I have been randomly unplugging various sensors and spraying with WD40 so hope all will be OK now.
I bought an adapter cable, 3 pin to OBD socket, tried with a generic OBD reader, did not manage to read much other than it thought the intake air temp was 215'C and it ticked over at 190 rpm. I also bought a Lexia diagnostic kit, the software seemed to load OK but could not connect to the ECU. Have sent it back.
EDIT, sorry forgot to add phot.