Clive and Kerri
Britain has signed up to EU legislation called the Water Framework Directive, our waterways now fail quality standards. We have to meet these standards in a few years or face millions in fines. One area of failure is diffuse pollution. This is matter that comes from indirect sources. The largest amount comes from dirty water getting into our watercourses. Water companies are spending millions to clean up their act. A significant area is domestic waste (ie washing up liquid, grease, fat, cooking oil, cleaning products, all the stuff that goes into motorhome waste tanks) getting into the drains that take surface water direct to the rivers. This is usually due to people accidentally or deliberately misconnecting the property waste pipes to the surface water drainage system rather than the sewage system. Emptying motorhome waste tanks down any drains other than the correct ones, adds to the problem. As the compliance date comes closer legal action will follow to ensure we hit the target. Do not complain if in the near future someone spots this emptying as a big issue and comes down like ton of bricks.