Geo re: flasher buzzer (1 Viewer)

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Aug 26, 2007
Dark side of the moon
Funster No
Since 2005
hi Geo,
got the buzzer you suggested but unfortunatly your info was wrong:Doh:

5 wire system.

power in/out to left indicator

power in/out to right indicator

common earth. (presumably for relays !)

if its connected to cab end wiring the buzzer will sound regardless of trailer/toad attached or not. it must be connected between 7core cable and van indicator wires.
ie: no toad attached = no earth/continuity through toad bulb = no buzzer.

connect at flasher unit will mean an earth/cont will be present through M/H indicator so it will sound when M/H indi's are used. :Sad:
(unless you know a dsifferent way)

its a long way from the rear end to the drivers seat and the buzzer aint that loud.

no big shakes though as it was only £2.75.

thanks for the link all the same. :thumb:.


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