Full Timing (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
We would love to go full time. We have 9 years left 'till my husband gets his pension and 14 years 'till we get full pensions. We have the house, but no other capital as such. Do you thinks we've any chance? Are all you full timers out there retired? Or else how do you fund your full timing? What do you plan to do when you are too old or too ill and need to be back living in bricks and mortar?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, sorry!!
Jul 20, 2007
Funster No
A Class
Since 1999
Welcome to the site Inga ::bigsmile:

We would love to go full time. We have 9 years left 'till my husband gets his pension and 14 years 'till we get full pensions. We have the house, but no other capital as such. Do you thinks we've any chance? Are all you full timers out there retired? Or else how do you fund your full timing? What do you plan to do when you are too old or too ill and need to be back living in bricks and mortar?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, sorry!!

And I know you will get lots of answers too :roflmto::roflmto:



Free Member
Jul 29, 2007
Funster No
'A' Class RV &
We would love to go full time. We have 9 years left 'till my husband gets his pension and 14 years 'till we get full pensions. We have the house, but no other capital as such. Do you thinks we've any chance? Are all you full timers out there retired? Or else how do you fund your full timing? What do you plan to do when you are too old or too ill and need to be back living in bricks and mortar?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, sorry!!

:Cool: We were in similar position when I decided to retire back in October 1996. I have 15 months to go to receive the State Pension. Not done a days work with the intention of being paid. Although having helped lot's of people along they way, they have re-paid us by wining and dining us. Still keeping our head above the water. When it doesn't rain too hard. :ROFLMAO:


Free Member
Sep 21, 2007
Funster No
Autotrail Chieftan
Since 2004
Hi Inga4023

Welcome to the site.

We are in much the same position as yourselves 15 years to retirement and various pensions but we have 3 children (1 of 20, 1 of 17 and a 9 year old who we will home school) we are in the process of going full time. We are selling the house and dividing the capital from the sale, part to purchase a small terraced house (this way we feel we are keeping a foot in the property market and the rent will cover the small mortgage) and part to fund the purchase of the RV.

Once living in the RV we are to all intents and purposes debt free so will continue to work in our current jobs for about 8 months and just bank everything!! We then plan to set off on our travels, and will work as and when we can/want. There is quiet a lot to we have thought of doing; exam invigilators; traffic census; assistant wardens/cleaners on camp site (normally gets you a free pitch) and
we can also temp by doing our day jobs of audio typist and design engineer.

As for coming back when too old or ill, we can just park up and live in it like a static caravan or dump ourselves on one of the kids ::bigsmile: or sell the small house. Not really dwelling on that as I have been seriously ill in the past (just about at my 10 year all clear stage ::bigsmile:) and we have in the last year lost several "fit and well" friends of our age group, so we have decided to just go for it !!

We thought about delaying until we officially retire but then we might never have the courage to do it. What ever you decide has to feel right for you, but my advice is don't leave it too late!!


Tony Santara

Free Member
Jul 26, 2007
Cheshire (ex Mancunian)
Funster No
A class RV
since 1994
I have got 51 weeks and 3 days to retirement not that i'm counting :roflmto:
we sold our house 11 years ago and bought a park home my wife would sell that too if she had her way but i like the idea of having something for that time as you say when it all gets too much or you start to be ill

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Free Member
Sep 30, 2007
Mostly in a car park.
Funster No
C class Luton
4 years
I quit my job 14 months ago because I got bored. Still had 9 years to bus pass age, but we both wanted to go fulltiming.

So we sold the house, invested the money to provide an income, imported an RV and are now 10 months into fulltiming in Europe.

We love it. The hardest part is fretting about doing it. See my sig!

Good luck, and bon courage

Bruce & Marion

Rose Royce

Free Member
Oct 3, 2007
Funster No
This is how we're going to do it.
I'm 60 and a half, @er in doors is 56 and a quarter. I have a 1 bed house, she a 1 bed flat. Selling both will net around £300k.
£20k for a 1993 hymer S700 and the rest invested making, very conservatively c£14k per annum (no tax if we're clever). So there's our annual income. For the first year we will be on holiday so won't have to worry about money, will supplement from capital if necessary. After that, who knows, maybe some part time work? And when we don't want to full time, then we'll buy a Park Home. New and sited maybe £150k.
That's our thinking so far, hope to be off early New Year. CAN'T WAIT!::bigsmile:

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