Coming back through France we overnighted in a few village aires. One of them had a different water connector to usual - I forgot to take a picture, but it looked rather like a female airline PCL connector, one of these:-
Inserting the male part of the connector would have made the water flow.
Anyone know what these water connectors are and where I can buy a hose end adaptor?
I couldn't get water that night. Luckily the aire had a sign up saying that you could park behind the nearby church as well - that was a lucky find, a stunning 12/13th century church with a parking area behind all to ourselves, and an old fashioned drinking water pump!
Inserting the male part of the connector would have made the water flow.
Anyone know what these water connectors are and where I can buy a hose end adaptor?
I couldn't get water that night. Luckily the aire had a sign up saying that you could park behind the nearby church as well - that was a lucky find, a stunning 12/13th century church with a parking area behind all to ourselves, and an old fashioned drinking water pump!