Ferry Crossings (1 Viewer)

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Mar 17, 2008
Wellingborough, Northants
Funster No
Low Profile
Hi, how do you go on for booking ferry crossings on line? I've always used direct ferries but with both sea france and p&o they don't give you the option of putting your correct length in, they only go up to 7 or 8 meters. Do I just book the longest i can and hope for the best? By the way we're looking at dover to calais.
Thanks in advance:thumb:

Papa Smurf

Sep 25, 2007
Funster No
Seafrance do - I looked at the site last week and remember distinctly putting in 10.2 meters as the length:Smile:

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Hi, how do you go on for booking ferry crossings on line? I've always used direct ferries but with both sea france and p&o they don't give you the option of putting your correct length in, they only go up to 7 or 8 meters. Do I just book the longest i can and hope for the best? By the way we're looking at dover to calais.
Thanks in advance:thumb:


We are using Sea France tomorrow Dover Calais, and we are 32ft.
When we booked, from memory, you have to tick the box 'over 8.something meters'
If you don't you will be clobbered for a surcharge when you try to board.

Also when booking on line, once the price is displayed, if you find it too expensive - log out, clear yr cookies, then do it again. You will then be offered a different price. You can do this as long as your patience is there, until you find an acceptable price.:Smile:

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