FCO Update SPAIN (1 Viewer)

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Jul 19, 2007
Sutton on Sea, UK
Funster No
Adria Panel Van.
Since 1988
  • The region of Valencia has been affected by continual rain for the past two days. The coastal town of Els Poblets has been particularly badly affected by flash floods after a local river burst its banks. A Consular Officer who has been to the scene has confirmed with Spanish emergency services that no British Nationals are injured or hospitalised. Roads and services continue to function. Caution is advised when travelling in the region. Those about to travel to the region from the UK should check with their airline or tour operator before doing so.
  • There is a high threat from terrorism in Spain. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. See the Terrorism section of this advice for more details.
  • The Basque terrorist organisation ETA declared an end to their 14 month ceasefire on 5 June 2007.
  • In March 2004, 192 people died and over 1400 were injured following bomb attacks on three trains in Madrid. A group purporting to represent Al Qa’ida claimed responsibility on 13 March.
  • Around 17 million visits to Spain each year are made by British nationals. The main types of incident for which British nationals required consular assistance in Spain in 2006 were for theft and pickpocketing. You should also be alert to the existence of street crime. See the Crime section of this advice for more details.
  • Since 19 June 2007, passengers flying to Spain have needed to supply to their airline details of their date of birth, nationality, and passport number before flying. This is part of EU-wide measures to improve security. Further information can be found at: Link Removed.
  • We strongly recommend that comprehensive travel and medical insurance is obtained before travelling. You should check any exclusions, and that your policy covers you for all the activities you want to undertake. See General (Insurance) section of this advice and the Travel Insurance for more details.
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Free Member
Jul 29, 2007
Funster No
'A' Class RV &
:Sad: There has been flooding all around this area. Benidorm, Calpe etc. We on Camping 'Almafra' have been fine BTW. The odd power cut and loss of TV signal. We have Solar power so it didn't have the same effect on us. :winky:

It's what we call Sod's Law. Friday was Valencia day. There has been an extra 100 units for the last few days and over the weekend. They erected a Large Tent for the Paella celebrations. They decided to hold the get together in the Camp Restaruant instead. Bright and Sunny today though. Temperature is rising fast. :Cool:

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