I’d be interested to know if anyone who has a similar engine / transmission to ours has the same issue. Sometimes, and I can’t identify the exact conditions to repeat it, when going downhill and easing off the throttle the engine revs go from sub 2000 to 3500 in seconds whilst staying in the same gear. This has happened quite a few times recently and usually when cruise control is on, although it did happen today when I was not using cruise control. The only way I have of controlling the engine revs is to knock it into manual and upshift into a higher gear and then braking if necessary. To me, there seems to be a problem with the gearing ratio.
I’d be interested to know if anyone who has a similar engine / transmission to ours has the same issue. Sometimes, and I can’t identify the exact conditions to repeat it, when going downhill and easing off the throttle the engine revs go from sub 2000 to 3500 in seconds whilst staying in the same gear. This has happened quite a few times recently and usually when cruise control is on, although it did happen today when I was not using cruise control. The only way I have of controlling the engine revs is to knock it into manual and upshift into a higher gear and then braking if necessary. To me, there seems to be a problem with the gearing ratio.