I'm trying to put together a cart for solar and I'm trying to understand if I really need a remote control panel or not.
I already have a pretty fancy Battry Monitoring Computermabob. If I got another information panel for the solar, is it going to tell me much more than the battery computer already does?
I'm not paticularly interested in looking at the numbers on the panel and I am unlikely to ever read the manual so can I skip installing a remote controller or is it something I will actually need? I don't mean to cmoe across as arrogant as I sound in the above sentence but I already have too much tech and as far as I can see there's a lot of overlap. Or am I missing something?
*I do understand I need an actual solar controller! I was hoping to hide it out of sight though.
I already have a pretty fancy Battry Monitoring Computermabob. If I got another information panel for the solar, is it going to tell me much more than the battery computer already does?
I'm not paticularly interested in looking at the numbers on the panel and I am unlikely to ever read the manual so can I skip installing a remote controller or is it something I will actually need? I don't mean to cmoe across as arrogant as I sound in the above sentence but I already have too much tech and as far as I can see there's a lot of overlap. Or am I missing something?
*I do understand I need an actual solar controller! I was hoping to hide it out of sight though.