Hello, I've posted before on this subject but got no reply so I'll try again this time with photos.
This is the lock to my gas cupboard. The lock pushes in with some springlike tension although you can't see the spring. When open the lock stands out from the receiver. There was a rubber 'washer' although it's wider than most washers. It used to cover the body of the lock and being flexible, it would push in with the lock when you locked it. It snapped and I tried taping it together but this hasn't worked.
So I took it off and the lock works fine without it. I assume the function of the washer is to prevent dirt getting into the spindle of the lock. I would like to replace the washer but haven't been able to source the washer or indeed the lock anywhere including eBay. Any suggestions for me making an alternative washer or should I just keep the spindle of the lock clean and forget the washer?
This is the lock to my gas cupboard. The lock pushes in with some springlike tension although you can't see the spring. When open the lock stands out from the receiver. There was a rubber 'washer' although it's wider than most washers. It used to cover the body of the lock and being flexible, it would push in with the lock when you locked it. It snapped and I tried taping it together but this hasn't worked.
So I took it off and the lock works fine without it. I assume the function of the washer is to prevent dirt getting into the spindle of the lock. I would like to replace the washer but haven't been able to source the washer or indeed the lock anywhere including eBay. Any suggestions for me making an alternative washer or should I just keep the spindle of the lock clean and forget the washer?