Brilliant service from Popit (1 Viewer)

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Mar 21, 2010
Funster No
It’s nice to report that I have brilliant service from a company. I was having problems with my router sent of to the company I bought from,a few days later I was asked by them could I send the sim I was using. Sent off the sim which did not arrive (sent via PO). So in affect it’s gone at least no one can use it!

When I contacted Popit and explained what had happened , with out hesitation they tell me there is already one in post for me. Thanks Popit for your brilliant service



Dec 11, 2013
Funster No
MORELO palace
since 2012
Thats great (y) especially as I have just ordered their 100GB offering, after being with Vodafone for 2 1/2 years I cancelled my contract with them yesterday after repeatedly being told a pack of lies around EU roaming and 25Gb fair use policy, twice they put me on a new contact claiming that their T&C around roaming had just changed and I could use 100% of my data in their ZoneB, they said it was a mistake but I honestly don't buy that so beware.

Looking forward to my popit turning up in the next couple of days and it will go straight into my Motorhome WiFi thingy with a roof aerial, then I will be itching to get away to test it;)

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