Belgium Break (1 Viewer)

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Rob e Lee

Free Member
Apr 16, 2012
Funster No
Since 2011
Just back from a 3 night break to Belgium. Visited once again the beautiful city of Bruges, it seems to us even more magical in wintertime. This time we stayed in the busier aire (the one with the service point) and decided that the one on the other side of the road is the better side to be - quieter together with longer bays, it just means you have to cross over road if you need to get water and empty toilet cassette.

Before going to Bruges we stayed at Ypres where there is a fantastic little aire that costs initially 16 euros but you get 4 euros back in cash when checking out. Checking into this aire is a bit on the complicated side but certainly worth it. It is best to pull up outside of aire a little further back down road and walk into self-service station and obtain card that lets you in. It can be quite a long winded procedure hence best to park away from barrier until card purchased, otherwise you run the risk of delaying people entry who know what their doing xroll:. At the top of the camp there is a pathway that leads to road and its a short walk to your right to get to the Menin Gate.

I should add that the 12 euro charge includes electric and wifi. Bruges aire 15 euro with electric.

Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
Just back from a 3 night break to Belgium. Visited once again the beautiful city of Bruges, it seems to us even more magical in wintertime. This time we stayed in the busier aire (the one with the service point) and decided that the one on the other side of the road is the better side to be - quieter together with longer bays, it just means you have to cross over road if you need to get water and empty toilet cassette.

Before going to Bruges we stayed at Ypres where there is a fantastic little aire that costs initially 16 euros but you get 4 euros back in cash when checking out. Checking into this aire is a bit on the complicated side but certainly worth it. It is best to pull up outside of aire a little further back down road and walk into self-service station and obtain card that lets you in. It can be quite a long winded procedure hence best to park away from barrier until card purchased, otherwise you run the risk of delaying people entry who know what their doing xroll:. At the top of the camp there is a pathway that leads to road and its a short walk to your right to get to the Menin Gate.

I should add that the 12 euro charge includes electric and wifi. Bruges aire 15 euro with electric.

If you don't need lecy and water you can park by the canal to the right of menin gate, looking from the square, for free.
Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
sounds like a good trip, we are doing something similar this weekend and including Gravelines.
Can't fault you:xsmile: I would have mentioned gravelines but iv said it that many times that I thought I would be getting banned for repeating myself, always the first and last stop everytime we go to france, almost locals in the Pmu bar in town , never tire of it , amazing really , of all the places there is in france it's one of my favourites,
May 23, 2013
Not on the Coast East Sussex
Funster No
Hymer B504
Since 2013
sounds great we are looking forward to trying Gravelines and the Christmas market there, have stayed at Grand Fort Philipe previously enroute from the tunnel.

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Nov 9, 2009
Funster No
A class Carado i449
Since 2009
Just back from a 3 night break to Belgium. Visited once again the beautiful city of Bruges, it seems to us even more magical in wintertime. This time we stayed in the busier aire (the one with the service point) and decided that the one on the other side of the road is the better side to be - quieter together with longer bays, it just means you have to cross over road if you need to get water and empty toilet cassette.

Before going to Bruges we stayed at Ypres where there is a fantastic little aire that costs initially 16 euros but you get 4 euros back in cash when checking out. Checking into this aire is a bit on the complicated side but certainly worth it. It is best to pull up outside of aire a little further back down road and walk into self-service station and obtain card that lets you in. It can be quite a long winded procedure hence best to park away from barrier until card purchased, otherwise you run the risk of delaying people entry who know what their doing xroll:. At the top of the camp there is a pathway that leads to road and its a short walk to your right to get to the Menin Gate.

I should add that the 12 euro charge includes electric and wifi. Bruges aire 15 euro with electric.


Couldn't agree more, we had three nights at Ypres and also Brugge I preferred the quieter Aire without the service point so much more room and not on top of each other. the Menin Gate service in Ypres, that occurs at 8pm every night 365 days of the year is one of those events that everybody should go and see at least once in their lifetime, this web site has all the info including who's being represented on any given night and whether its a band choir or piper providing the music, the service only lasts about 20 minutes but well worth it and very moving.

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