any one have CB in motorhome (1 Viewer)

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Jan 10, 2009
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since 2009
One was in our motorhome when we bought it i turned it on searched the channels and no one was on so never used it since.
It was used by the previous owner when going on rallies with other motorhomers.
But if others used theirs then we would probably use it.


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Mar 11, 2009
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18 years +12 years tugging
Used to have CB in car as a service eng. but gave it up due to the louts that used to take over the airways. It was not worth having, so sold while I could still get some cash back on it.

Dave :thumb::thumb:


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Sep 6, 2007
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Since 2007
When we bought our mh from Germany it had a German cb fitted but as I thought I would only get calls in German I removed it. :ROFLMAO:

de G4GMO

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Free Member
Oct 21, 2009
Funster No
Hi Top
We had one in our Robin Hood Kit car for runs with others, could not hear a bl00dy thing because of the wind noise so got rid of it :roflmto::roflmto:


Deleted User
You would be better getting in touch with the Bolton Wireless Club, or West Manchester Radio Club (both have web sites) and doing the Foundation Radio Amateur Exam and then getting a rig for the van, more enjoyable than CB and quite a bit of activity in your area

de M0DWQ


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Apr 19, 2008
East London
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well over 5 years
yes we put our cb in our motorhome when out and about .
There are some real prats that use the cb but at times it can be extremely useful


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Dec 2, 2009
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one year and six months

I do not have a cb but have used walkie talkie with an other motor homer when traveling together it is handy not for chating just need to stop as dog needs out things like that as I was behind traffic build up behind need to pull into next big parking area that sort of thing.

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Sep 26, 2008
Thetford Norfolk
Funster No
C class, Chieftain
since 2006 ( I think ! )
As a licensed amateur I should really agree with the other two, but a year with the tri-bander in ( 6 - 2 - 70 ) and only one contact ( and that was through a repeater ) means I probably will not bother fitting the radio back in to the new one
I might look at seeing if I can mount the hf rig and a G-Whip on the back end somewhere but groundplane is always going to be a pain in the bits.

I am not sure if it is actually worth going the CB route either to be truthful ..
I MIGHT nail one back in but again finding somewhere to mount the antenna is a sod. ( for those who do not know, a transmitting antenna ( or indeed any mobile antenna ) uses the actual metal of the vehicle as the 'other half' of the antenna. The bit sticking up being the top half .. I appreciate that is not a perfect explanation but hope it explains a little of the issues )

I mean, even the darned mirror arms are now rubber coated and rubber mounted, and not sure I have enough width to get a pair of sticks co-phased ok as the minimum is supposed to be a 1/4 wave ( at 27.4 that is 2.6 metres including velocity factor )

If I do put one in I think it would be the one on the later channels ( which are the same as the old original AM ones ) as I THINK the 27/81 jobbies are now out of time and illigal ( could be wrong though )


Free Member
Feb 7, 2008
Funster No
has any one put a CB in there van and as it been any good::bigsmile:
No......and it's only worth bothering with if there is a small group of you travelling.

Basically CB died a death the minute Government 'wised up' and legalised it on FM. Which just goes to prove if you want to get rid of something....make it legal and available.

Perhaps the one good thing to come out of it is the likes of 'G4GMO' have the days of illegal AM/CB to thank for helping revive an obscure minority hobby by introducing many ex-CB folk into the world of Amateur Radio.

American Dream

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Aug 20, 2007
Funster No
No......and it's only worth bothering with if there is a small group of you travelling.

Basically CB died a death the minute Government 'wised up' and legalised it on FM. Which just goes to prove if you want to get rid of something....make it legal and available.

Perhaps the one good thing to come out of it is the likes of 'G4GMO' have the days of illegal AM/CB to thank for helping revive an obscure minority hobby by introducing many ex-CB folk into the world of Amateur Radio.


Passed my SAmateur radio exam off the back of illegal CB radio and working on aerials....

Got a CB in the RV as an authenticity thing.....(accessory) and a couple of mirror mounted aerials.

Not many on it now although I still see quite a few truckers using it.:Cool:

We'll see this year.

Regards Steve.

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Free Member
Nov 29, 2009
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c class
before they were invented
c bs in motorhome

well today is my day, a question i know a bit about,, wow,,,:thumb: up till about 4 years ago always had one, started with one in lorries i drove, pre mobile phone so worth every penny, can be difficult to get good reception due to body type, as has been said, airwaves full of loud mouthed yobs and yuk, went on convoy to croatia once, magic for keeping group together, kept kids happy on long runs talking to truckers, by the way most truckers use channel 21/22 very few use 19 anymore, if you have a uk/eu outfit should have no problem chatting,, but sad to say,, not what it was when i were a lad, of course what you pay is what you get, need to spend around 150 i think to get a decent one,, a chap near dorking, has a web site, very helpful and honest, via google, holmswood is his village, on the car transporter i drove we put aireal on trailer, became a massive aerial, same on metal vans, but plastic/fibre glass, ?? but if you are realy keen try a boat yard, and fit a marine outfit, i like to have one , even with the problems,, trouble is you spend the journey watching out for the pole,,:thumb::thumb:

6pm Cowboy

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Jun 26, 2009
South Oxfordshire
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Dont know how difficult it is to get a radio licence , or how far their range is, but wouldn't it be great if motorhomers could talk to each other while on the road.


Jan 26, 2008
Funster No
just looking
since 1980
Yes it would. You could still do it with a cb but you would be limited as to how far you could transmitt, (I think).

The arials for the ham radios would be far to large. I had a cb in the car ages ago and it was brilliant for getting directions. You could drive into any town or city in the uk, pick up the cb and ask for directions to any company you liked and there was always somebody there to direct you.

We met a couple in Coventry who used two way radios. He had a 32 Foot Georgie Boy and his wife would drive there little run about in front of him letting him know what was going on in front. It seemed to work a treat.




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Oct 7, 2008
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A Class
touring many years..42+

Can I ask a question....I used to be a years ago, forgotten most of it now age and senility......and yes a good idea...Unless I missed it on all the previous threads on fun about CB ....

Question, if you can not use a phone while driving how are you going to use the Cb mike ...come back good buddie!!??:Eeek::cry:

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Free Member
Jun 15, 2009
North Wales
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7 year (25yrs a tugger)
Question, if you can not use a phone while driving how are you going to use the Cb mike ...come back good buddie!!??:Eeek::cry:

Same question applies to taxis. They are push-to-talk mikes and are still allowed. Very few taxi radios are equiped for blue-tooth type ear-pieces. Most large taxi fleets now use computerised systems with display units in the cars but for smaller taxi companies the cost is prohibitive and so still use radios with the hand-held mikes.


Jan 26, 2008
Funster No
just looking
since 1980
Can I ask a question....I used to be a years ago, forgotten most of it now age and senility......and yes a good idea...Unless I missed it on all the previous threads on fun about CB ....

Question, if you can not use a phone while driving how are you going to use the Cb mike ...come back good buddie!!??:Eeek::cry:




Sep 26, 2008
Thetford Norfolk
Funster No
C class, Chieftain
since 2006 ( I think ! )
Ham radio antenna's vary in size from about 1mm* to ..... well pretty huge things. *( yes, ONE MILLIMETER ! but to be fair you do need a special variation on your licence and the range is about 50 ft or so at the moment ! )

Range is dependent on band used ( trying not to get too technical ! ).. I shall limit this waffle to just two bands..
For instance, 2mtrs ( 144-145.999 megs ) might be reasonably expected to deliver around a 20 to 30 mile range depending on the lay of the land.

70cm's, ( 430 - 440 megs in the UK ) 15 to 20 miles .. On top of that there is a European wide network of handy gadets called repeaters which will easily double the effective range you can communicate over.

There is nothing magical about ham radio which makes it travel further ( though technically things 'amateur' are generally of another magnitude of quality ! ) it is more about better receivers and more power being transmitted

My own standard 2mtr transceiver ( transmitter / receiver ) runs 50 watts output power, a standard CB radio 4 watts
Receivers are hard to understand so an analogy for you
The 2mtr radio can pick up a flea rubbing its hands together at 10 paces. A CB might pic up a centipede with hobnail boots on at 10 inches :Smile:

Antenna's for either band can be considerably smaller than those used on CB ( also known as 11mtrs ) The lower the frequency / band used, the bigger the antenna needed.
To a large extent it is very easy to kid the transmitter in to seeing an antenna as being larger than it physically is, so whilst size is a issue ( isn't it always LOL ! ) it is not really something that should be of undue concern.

How to get a ham radio licence.

Nowadays it is quite easy..

Folk like G4GMO had a really hard time getting through.. The city and guilds exams needed were written papers.
By the time I came along in 1980 they had just switch to multichoice papers which made getting the basic licence somewhat easier.

As Reader ( M0DWQ ) does not say what his previous callsign was I dunno what exam set he took )

Having said that, we both had to sit a further exam, this time demonstrating an ability to transmit and receive morse code at a minimum of 12 words per minute.. all a right pain for a lot of folk !!

Nowadays you can take on a very short and easy tutorial course and be licensed more or less in a couple of weeks.. The licence will be restricted but would be good enough to allow some serious fun and games ! ::bigsmile:

Returning to the original post.....

I have a proposal.

As Sir Frog Person rightly says, chnl 19 ( and 14 ) are full of foul mouthed scum bags and oiks
The truckers moved off and adopted ( in this area any way ) 21 as their calling channel.

Why not adopt a Motorhome calling channel ?

Channel 1 is out, as is 9 ( emergency channel ), 14 is already gone as is 19, 21 and 22. And 40 has always been well occupied by transient users

For many years this area used channel 27 as a calling channel.

I propose those with a CB adopt channel 27 on both UK and the new EU CB channels.

Oh and the little 446PMR hand sets.. All bikers use channel 3 with no encoding.
Bikers, like motorhomers, are generally a sociable bunch and will often have a chat, so why not use that channel on that band ?
An awful lot of folk have those little radios and it would be handy if we all knew what channel we were on at the various events attended ....

Can I have a seconder ? LOL !!

It has been years since I had the chance to waffle on about my second biggest interest, so sorry if I have bored folk but at least I enjoyed typing it ! :ROFLMAO:

Cheers n Beers, de G4VEL ( QTHR ) ex G6HML


Sep 26, 2008
Thetford Norfolk
Funster No
C class, Chieftain
since 2006 ( I think ! )
Its me again !!! Sorryyyyyy

Re mic's
Originally VERY VERY frowned upon and would earn you a tug and a stern talking to at least..
Then someone in Manchester ( long time ago so could be wrong ) was taken to court for it..

But !!

The man was no fool.. he was represented well.. So well the courts had only two choices

They either had to let him off or start proceedings against half the local police force who had been photographed using their radios while driving !

So, whilst it is strictly speaking illigal, and you really should not take the wee wee, reasonable care and a willingness to show that you appreciate what you are doing might be frowned upon, will normally earn a 'look the other way' :thumb::winky:


Jan 26, 2008
Funster No
just looking
since 1980
Ham radio antenna's vary in size from about 1mm* to ..... well pretty huge things. *( yes, ONE MILLIMETER ! but to be fair you do need a special variation on your licence and the range is about 50 ft or so at the moment ! )

Range is dependent on band used ( trying not to get too technical ! ).. I shall limit this waffle to just two bands..
For instance, 2mtrs ( 144-145.999 megs ) might be reasonably expected to deliver around a 20 to 30 mile range depending on the lay of the land.

70cm's, ( 430 - 440 megs in the UK ) 15 to 20 miles .. On top of that there is a European wide network of handy gadets called repeaters which will easily double the effective range you can communicate over.

There is nothing magical about ham radio which makes it travel further ( though technically things 'amateur' are generally of another magnitude of quality ! ) it is more about better receivers and more power being transmitted

My own standard 2mtr transceiver ( transmitter / receiver ) runs 50 watts output power, a standard CB radio 4 watts
Receivers are hard to understand so an analogy for you
The 2mtr radio can pick up a flea rubbing its hands together at 10 paces. A CB might pic up a centipede with hobnail boots on at 10 inches :Smile:

Antenna's for either band can be considerably smaller than those used on CB ( also known as 11mtrs ) The lower the frequency / band used, the bigger the antenna needed.
To a large extent it is very easy to kid the transmitter in to seeing an antenna as being larger than it physically is, so whilst size is a issue ( isn't it always LOL ! ) it is not really something that should be of undue concern.

How to get a ham radio licence.

Nowadays it is quite easy..

Folk like G4GMO had a really hard time getting through.. The city and guilds exams needed were written papers.
By the time I came along in 1980 they had just switch to multichoice papers which made getting the basic licence somewhat easier.

As Reader ( M0DWQ ) does not say what his previous callsign was I dunno what exam set he took )

Having said that, we both had to sit a further exam, this time demonstrating an ability to transmit and receive morse code at a minimum of 12 words per minute.. all a right pain for a lot of folk !!

Nowadays you can take on a very short and easy tutorial course and be licensed more or less in a couple of weeks.. The licence will be restricted but would be good enough to allow some serious fun and games ! ::bigsmile:

Returning to the original post.....

I have a proposal.

As Sir Frog Person rightly says, chnl 19 ( and 14 ) are full of foul mouthed scum bags and oiks
The truckers moved off and adopted ( in this area any way ) 21 as their calling channel.

Why not adopt a Motorhome calling channel ?

Channel 1 is out, as is 9 ( emergency channel ), 14 is already gone as is 19, 21 and 22. And 40 has always been well occupied by transient users

For many years this area used channel 27 as a calling channel.

I propose those with a CB adopt channel 27 on both UK and the new EU CB channels.

Oh and the little 446PMR hand sets.. All bikers use channel 3 with no encoding.
Bikers, like motorhomers, are generally a sociable bunch and will often have a chat, so why not use that channel on that band ?
An awful lot of folk have those little radios and it would be handy if we all knew what channel we were on at the various events attended ....

Can I have a seconder ? LOL !!

It has been years since I had the chance to waffle on about my second biggest interest, so sorry if I have bored folk but at least I enjoyed typing it ! :ROFLMAO:

Cheers n Beers, de G4VEL ( QTHR ) ex G6HML

Didnt understand a word of it but well done Jaws



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Sep 26, 2008
Thetford Norfolk
Funster No
C class, Chieftain
since 2006 ( I think ! )
Cheers Jim ! LOL !!
I really MUST try to stop posting what appear to be first drafts of the new War and Peace novels !!!


Free Member
Nov 2, 2009
Funster No
June 09
I've not used a CB for years and always thought of HAM radio as being CB for the rich and intelegent.:ROFLMAO:

This could just be because those I knew on HAM always had 'decent' kits and knew alot about radios.

As for using the mic, I had one years ago which had an inline switch and hung around my neck. It meant I just had to flick the switch, talk and then flick the switch back again when I had finished talking. Can't remember any of the details but I am sure if they are not available now or even if it was actually made up for me.

Just found a hands free kit on ebay


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Jan 26, 2009
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A cls
9 years
I have still got my Ham International Concord II which I bought from the states back in 1985 which is epromed and can reach well into the 10 & 30mtr band.

Havn't set it up for years................I might just get a couple of whips for the mirrors and give it a go again :Smile:

btw my handle was General Lee as I had a 69 charger done up like the GL..................I also got my Ham license in 1988 but aint used that for years either.

Boo (G8BUN)
Sep 29, 2009
East Anglia
Funster No
Roller Team
Since 2009
Brought back memories of when I was young and a small group of us had CB's. One Saturday night we had a party at a friends house and his brother was a policeman who didnt know we had CB's in our cars. Someone got on the CB and the messages starting coming over the house radio, it was hilarious. We trying our hardest to turn the radio off but we were found out and given a warning - needless to say we took no notice.

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