I have spent the last couple of hours online trying to find tyres with a high enough load rating to satisfy SVtec, so that we can uprate the MH. Unless I have missed something I cannot find a Michelin or Continental with anything over a 118 rating.
I have been offered Hanook tyres but I know nothing about them. Any thoughts please.
Our present tyres are 225/75R16 with 116 load rating, we need the same size tyres but with a 120 load rating.
If anyone is interested our present tyres have less than 2000 miles on them and we will be selling them.
I have been offered Hanook tyres but I know nothing about them. Any thoughts please.
Our present tyres are 225/75R16 with 116 load rating, we need the same size tyres but with a 120 load rating.
If anyone is interested our present tyres have less than 2000 miles on them and we will be selling them.