Winterising Hymers. (1 Viewer)

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Jun 14, 2014
Funster No
Hymer a class
10 years after many years tugging
Got alde system and a 300 page hymer manual plus several other manuals . Some of the suggestions are really OTT .... Maybe this is because it is designed for Germany and places even colder . It says take out TVs , completely empty all upholstery, any other loose fixtures and fittings including gas bottles whether empty or not!
We don't live in a mansion with several spare rooms and the ones we have are already full of junk ( says he!)
We can leave it on hook up but is that an unnecessary expense?
Any help gratefully received.
Aug 6, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
Funster No
Le-Voyageur RX958 Pl
since 1999
I drain my Hymer carefully, lower the bed, and keep it on hook-up with a 600w heater with a frost stat permanently on. Battery maintenance via hook-up uses very little power as does the heater. I keep the heater there primarily to prevent condensation on internal metal fittings & to enable me to use the MH as a spare bedroom on occasions. It's surprising how much nicer it feels and smells with even a very small heat source. When it is used as a spare bedroom we do, of course, use the normal van heating as required.

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