Vet in Santander (1 Viewer)

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Jan 20, 2021
Northamptonshire, UK
Funster No
Vantage Sol
For information, if anyone is needing a vet in Haro for worming their dog prior to return to the UK , we used Clinica veterinary Haro.last week. It is about a half hour walk from Camping de Haro. We arrived about 20 minutes early and the vet looked amazed and told us we had to wait outside (in the dark!!) until our time. There wasn't anybody in her waiting room and no clients in the surgery. Anyway at 6.05 she let us in, asked me to weigh our dog, then pushed a pill across the desk and signed the passport. I pointed out she had written it in the wrong page so she did it again. It cost 16 euros. If it had been raining I would be writing a miserable review but it got the silly hoop-jumping business done and we got home safely.
Dec 24, 2014
Hurstpierpoint. Mid Sussex.
Funster No
Compass Navigator
Ever since lighting was by Calor gas.
That does seem a bit offhand and unusual in my experience, although veterinary work must at times be very stressful. Even though you didn't see anyone waiting at the practice I'd be inclined to cut the vet a bit of slack as they may have had a very ill 'resident' animal on hand or been having a harrowing day or needed to phone an owner to break bad news.
It really upsets me to see my daily pigeon visitor hopping around lopsidedly with a broken leg struggling to compete with the others for the grain that I put out. :cry:


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Could simply be that it didn't open until 6.00 pm and wasn't allowed to if she was the only person there at that time?

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