Van Electrics (1 Viewer)

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Nov 7, 2018
Bristol UK
Funster No
Transit PVC
I'm a newbie
Just before the dreaded pandemic, I paid stupid money for 2 150 A NDS lithiums, + all the kit that goes with them.
Votronic 3329 B2B charger
Votronic 3101 Pb 1220 SMT 2B charger.
NDS 2000W Pure Sine Inverter with Priority Sw.
Votronic Temp Sensors
Votronic 1710 MPP 165 Dup Dig Solar Reg for 2x 80W Solars ( in Series)
Votronic1715 MPP 250 Duo Dig Solar Reg for 2x 100W Solars in Series).
Plus 2x Votronic Solar monitors. (one for each pair of Solars.
All this to rejig my Transit PVC.
However Covid put a halt to it & it sat in my garage for ever. My plan was for us to get at least 5 years of relaxing tripping as pos. before too old👴.
Whilst I am a practical guy, retired from building, I am not tech ofay.
I have eventually got all fitted, me doing the donkey work, & connections done by a Proffesional. However once left to operate all this loverly kit, I soon realised some knowledge is very defo needed.
I have loads of Q’s and would be V great full if any of you clever S**s🤓 (in the nicest possible way). would give me their advice, what I know about the ins an outs of Electrickery, could be written on a post it pad.
My first Q, being, Volage drop on HU cable.
I have a HU cable that is probably 15 mtrs , heavy gauge. (don’t ask what ! , I just know it is way heavier than any extension lead that I have, this I have carried in the past, because some sites, I found , to comfortably reach HU from van, it was necessary.
Now, when charging at home, I could get away with 5 mtrs , would it be advisable to chop it off 5mtrs, & would this help my charging.?
I have to say, I really value my membership to Funsters, and a number of you, too many to list, have been a great help already.
I am a great reader, & if anyone knows of any books, ( keep it Simple)🙈, that perhaps they have read up on to gain knowledge, I would also be grateful.
Phew that was a long un!!!


Oct 22, 2019
Funster No
2001 Pilote 270
Since 2004
The hook up cable is 240Volt Alternating Current. There is no huge voltage drop over a reasonable length of suitable cable. Voltage drop is more of a problem with 12Volt Direct Current.
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Nov 7, 2018
Bristol UK
Funster No
Transit PVC
I'm a newbie
The hook up cable is 240Volt Alternating Current. There is no huge voltage drop over a reasonable length of suitable cable. Voltage drop is more of a problem with 12Volt Direct Current.
Thanks for that, I hope 68C
The hook up cable is 240Volt Alternating Current. There is no huge voltage drop over a reasonable length of suitable cable. Voltage drop is more of a problem with 12Volt Direct Current.
Great, Thanks for that.
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Apr 27, 2016
Funster No
A class Hymer
Since the 80s
I have a HU cable that is probably 15 mtrs , heavy gauge. (don’t ask what ! , I just know it is way heavier than any extension lead that I have, this I have carried in the past, because some sites, I found , to comfortably reach HU from van, it was necessary.
Now, when charging at home, I could get away with 5 mtrs , would it be advisable to chop it off 5mtrs, & would this help my charging.?
That Votronic PB1220 is a 20A charger. That means it puts 20A into the batteries at 12V.

Since Watts = volts x amps, the power output of the charger is 12 x 20 = 240W.

On the mains input, the voltage is 240V. It's taking about 240W from the hookup post. Since amps = watts / volts, the amps is 240/240 = 1A. So the amps along the mains hookup wire is only 1A. That's a very small current, and won't result in a significant voltage drop, even if the wire was quite thin.
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