UK competition for EU (1 Viewer)

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Oct 29, 2008
West Yorkshire
Funster No
since 2008
UK competition for EU

With all the Brexit stuff going on many uk holidaymakers seem to forget that between England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales we have world class topping architecture, cities, villages, towns, scenery, mountains and lets not forget pubs, Whisky, whiskey, beer and food .

Plus no ferry or tunnel to pay for and no changing currencies. no hassle with pet passports.

Beautiful clean unspoilt beaches of the Hebrides at one end to great surfing beaches in Cornwall and Devon

Snowdonia national park in Wales, Aviemore in Scotland, The 3 peaks of Yorkshire. The Lake and peak district and Dartmoor. In fact we have 10 national parks in the UK.

York, Chester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Dublin, Cardiff all have enough going on to be worth visiting at least once. Plus all those smaller places like Whitby, Blackpool, Keswick, Polperro, Tobermory, Ambleside, Tenby, infact the list could go on for pages.....

What about brewery and distillery visits? The UK has hundreds. Take a look at the isle of Isla if you like your Whisky.

Personally we love touring in the UK having done it for 10 years we still haven't touched so many places we still want to visit.


Free Member
Jul 26, 2014
Le Repaire,Thiviers,France
Funster No
Autocriuse stargazer
since 2002
UK competition for EU

With all the Brexit stuff going on many uk holidaymakers seem to forget that between England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales we have world class topping architecture, cities, villages, towns, scenery, mountains and lets not forget pubs, Whisky, whiskey, beer and food .

Plus no ferry or tunnel to pay for and no changing currencies. no hassle with pet passports.

Beautiful clean unspoilt beaches of the Hebrides at one end to great surfing beaches in Cornwall and Devon

Snowdonia national park in Wales, Aviemore in Scotland, The 3 peaks of Yorkshire. The Lake and peak district and Dartmoor. In fact we have 10 national parks in the UK.

York, Chester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Dublin, Cardiff all have enough going on to be worth visiting at least once. Plus all those smaller places like Whitby, Blackpool, Keswick, Polperro, Tobermory, Ambleside, Tenby, infact the list could go on for pages.....

What about brewery and distillery visits? The UK has hundreds. Take a look at the isle of Isla if you like your Whisky.

Personally we love touring in the UK having done it for 10 years we still haven't touched so many places we still want to visit.
Don't encourage anymore Funsters to block our roads and pinch our few Aires and Wilding spots. Lololo


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May 6, 2016
Funster No
Pug Boxer
Since 2013
I didn't know Dublin was part of the UK:)

But I agree that the UK is brilliant, which us why I choose live in it

There seems to be a lot of members on here who knock it, but still reside here - takes all sorts

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Dec 24, 2009
bedworth warks
Funster No
c class
2009 previously a tugger for thirty years
We both like sightseeing when it's interesting to us and many of those interests are shared by others apart from scenery which showed recently on the thread Jaws started about touring in England - we've known Jaws for getting on for 20 years and he and Pete are quite similar in what appeals and what doesn't. Scenery is indeed beautiful and the rider of a motorbike loses out somewhat whereas the pillion can easily appreciate it - I adored the Verdon Gorge viewed from the back of a bike whereas Pete was a bit limited and much more aware of the road surface, bus moho and car drivers pulling out in front of him and the gravillons than he was the utterly fantastic scenery - hence he get to see a lot more these days from the drivers seat of our moho and we therefore make the assumption that the majority of bikers with mohos will be similar.

However although we love gorgeous scenery to look at - we don't actually have a desire to do anything much else with it. I was put off hiking for most of my adult by being dragged on hikes by my parents - they first got to know each other in the same Rambling Club and continued to enjoy it well into old age, whereas the phrase Daddy - my legs are achey! accompanied my sis and them wherever they attempted to go after I was born. Not that I was happy in the pushchair either with only somebody's legs to look at all bloody day!

So - scenery is great - home's lovely, family is close at hand (we like most of them) and so is medical treatment when needed - but on holiday we'd both rather be in a field or on a campsite relaxing with a gang of mates the majority of whom don't need to drink shedloads of alcohol to be good company, taking gentle exercise when it suits us, in the warm and preferably without wearing clothes. We have had more success getting all those preferences together at the same time in lots more venues in France - but we've simply never ever been tempted to live anywhere else. Every single country in the world has cons as well as pros, so England suits us thanks.

The different ways of life one had a fondness for in the past - eg first time we went to Greece a colleague asked where we'd been before and I answered in the main Spain. He then asked if I had full knowledge of the subtle inferences of the word 'manana' - I laughed and replied yes. He then explained that in Greek, there was no word to convey the same sense of urgency. Gone.

So much has disappeared - now in numerous places you haven't even got halfway down the first drink let alone been halfway down the second, before the meal you ordered arrives. A dearth of village residents sitting outside their front doors any more, being genial to passers by whether locals or holidaymakers. Gone.

No longer do visitors generally get ignored in Welsh shops - it ever was a source of amusement for holidaymakers at least 20 years before Matt Lucas was even thought of let alone born! Gone.
Jan 26, 2017
Mid Suffolk.
Funster No
Autosleeper Inca
Eight Years and 28,000 Miles.
You are visiting the wrong places. There are plenty of deserted roads.
Yes.. but you have to use the busy roads to get there.. believe me I've done it, mainly on a motorcycle which isn't so bad, but awful on four wheels.

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Free Member
Sep 11, 2012
Gods country
Funster No
newbie hired 3
You are visiting the wrong places. There are plenty of deserted roads.

Yes.. but you have to use the busy roads to get there.. believe me I've done it, mainly on a motorcycle which isn't so bad, but awful on four wheels.
Look at where you both live? There are vast differences in the amount of traffic on the roads.
Jezport. I live near your area and agree with you but LesW lives in the very over crowded South. I have been touring by motorcycle for many years with a group of friends and we always go North. The OP is correct there are very beautiful and quiet areas of these islands. Unfortunately for our Southern friends they have to travel to get to them. Once North of around Manchester the scenery just gets better and better. Even the M6 North of Lancaster is a scenic drive. We also definitely have best pubs in the world on our island. Before the non drinkers jump in here. I don't think having an alcoholic drink is the law.
Go on give these beautiful islands a go. :):)
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May 20, 2014
Funster No
Coach Built
Race van conversion for years
Unfortunately it is cold :cold::cold::cold::cold::cold::cold::cold::cold::cold:
& it rains.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: & I have no interest in all the things you posted nor do I drink:LOL:

We live in a very very wet part of Devon, so no matter where we go its dryer than home win win :p:LOL:
Aug 18, 2011
Funster No
since 2007.Tugger before since 1970
UK competition for EU

With all the Brexit stuff going on many uk holidaymakers seem to forget that between England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales we have world class topping architecture, cities, villages, towns, scenery, mountains and lets not forget pubs, Whisky, whiskey, beer and food .

Plus no ferry or tunnel to pay for and no changing currencies. no hassle with pet passports.

Beautiful clean unspoilt beaches of the Hebrides at one end to great surfing beaches in Cornwall and Devon

Snowdonia national park in Wales, Aviemore in Scotland, The 3 peaks of Yorkshire. The Lake and peak district and Dartmoor. In fact we have 10 national parks in the UK.

York, Chester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Dublin, Cardiff all have enough going on to be worth visiting at least once. Plus all those smaller places like Whitby, Blackpool, Keswick, Polperro, Tobermory, Ambleside, Tenby, infact the list could go on for pages.....

What about brewery and distillery visits? The UK has hundreds. Take a look at the isle of Isla if you like your Whisky.

Personally we love touring in the UK having done it for 10 years we still haven't touched so many places we still want to visit.

Worst think about UK you did not mention,,Traffic,,,after France and Spain it is a nightmare,,,but agree a beautiful interesting island and islands. BUSBY.
Apr 11, 2015
Funster No
Laika Ecovip 300
since 1988 with breaks until 2009
Love th UK but abroad is so stress free, quiet roads and mainly curteous drivers and usually better weather too.
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
We like the UK but compared to here France is motorhome heaven not least because of the aires network you actually feel wanted rather than put up with

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Free Member
Mar 22, 2016
Funster No
AutoTrail V line 635se
Caravanner since 1993
Like we did before the Lisbon treaty was in existence we will be travelling to Europe whatever the system ends up after march. Like people have said roughly same population in France and Germany but twice the area so half as busy. Everybody knows how to drive there and they are pleased to see you. And if it does rain , it rains warm so you can still sit out under the awning . Basically it's so much less stress over the water. We're not anti UK, we tour all year and spend many months here. But when your asked for £30 a night in mid to high season from both clubs (and we are members) and you can book any site you like unless it's weekend, popular or round an event, in which case, tough, then we just take the easy option of RV ING in Europe in mid and high season. Just saying.

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