We've pretty much decided not to upgrade our van this year, mainly as the children are fast growing up it won't be too long before the number of people in the van will become less and hence upgrading to a 9m/4.5t bus seems off the cards.
It does however leave us with the 9 million bicycle challenge, ok 5 actually..... and some times 6, plus a dog trailer oh and my 2nd bike, so make that 7 bicycles in a worse case scenario.
One of the key drivers has also been as the children get bigger, the bikes get bigger and by the end of this year all will be on adult sized bikes.
The only idea i've come up with is a swivel wheel trailer (YO Remorques) and fit the bikes and dog trailer onto that. I'm not too keen on adding a trailer as I'm crap at reversing but the newer version of the Yo Remorques has a reversing arm that will help aid my poor skills, it does however add 2m to the van length but i guess i can live with that.
One benefit is weight as i'll be shifting 90kgs of bikes and trailer off the van and onto the trailer. I am now trying to plan the layout of bikes on the trailer as i'd likely go for a quad bike version ie a simple flat top trailer, so i will need to build the bike rack itself, probably by using a Fiamma garage plus system and mounting the bikes at 90º to the direction of travel although i may try to plan the layout with them in the direction of travel if they'll fit, but suspect they'll be too long (trailer top is 1.2m vs bikes being 1.6m).
Anyone seen or done similar ? any thoughts or concerns ?
My only real concern so far is that it's a lot of money to carry bikes, need a tow bar fitting as well so it will soon mount up...
It does however leave us with the 9 million bicycle challenge, ok 5 actually..... and some times 6, plus a dog trailer oh and my 2nd bike, so make that 7 bicycles in a worse case scenario.
One of the key drivers has also been as the children get bigger, the bikes get bigger and by the end of this year all will be on adult sized bikes.
The only idea i've come up with is a swivel wheel trailer (YO Remorques) and fit the bikes and dog trailer onto that. I'm not too keen on adding a trailer as I'm crap at reversing but the newer version of the Yo Remorques has a reversing arm that will help aid my poor skills, it does however add 2m to the van length but i guess i can live with that.
One benefit is weight as i'll be shifting 90kgs of bikes and trailer off the van and onto the trailer. I am now trying to plan the layout of bikes on the trailer as i'd likely go for a quad bike version ie a simple flat top trailer, so i will need to build the bike rack itself, probably by using a Fiamma garage plus system and mounting the bikes at 90º to the direction of travel although i may try to plan the layout with them in the direction of travel if they'll fit, but suspect they'll be too long (trailer top is 1.2m vs bikes being 1.6m).
Anyone seen or done similar ? any thoughts or concerns ?
My only real concern so far is that it's a lot of money to carry bikes, need a tow bar fitting as well so it will soon mount up...