Towing a small car. (1 Viewer)

Jan 20, 2019
Funster No
Pilote G740
Since 2019
Hi All,
Some advise would be appreciated.
Never really wanted to tow a car behind the MH as we were always happy to walk out with the dog to wherever we needed to go.
However dog is now getting older so long walks of 6/7 miles are out of the question (especially hills). He can manage 4 miles on the flat (and he seems to enjoy it) with an hours rest in between which works OK but we miss the hills!!

We were planning either the Lakes or Scotland in Sept but feel we won't really see much. However if we had a small car then maybe we could drive further afield, and then do our walking at the top of hills rather than hiking up them.
We are already half way there as we have the following.
  • Peugeot 107
  • Tow bar already fitted to MH

Do people think this is a good move?
Anyone recommend a company near Bristol that could convert the car?

Alternatively we could spend all our holidays in Norfolk!! :LOL:
Sep 3, 2009
NW Surrey
Funster No
LHD Hymer exsis-i
The folk that are suffering flat batteries… 🙄
I’ve explained why I think I’ve had a flat toad battery a couple of times, and I’ve no doubt similar reasons apply to others. Never mind though, I’m sure you can find some other criticisms about toads if you really try🙄
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Apr 12, 2020
South Lincs....
Funster No
Rapido 7095DF
20+ years. Previously Hymer B654 and Hymer S660 both c/w tow-bars.
I’ve explained why I think I’ve had a flat toad battery a couple of times, and I’ve no doubt similar reasons apply to others. Never mind though, I’m sure you can find some other criticisms about toads if you really try🙄
My point is there are folk on here that deny it can/does happen! 🙄😏 However, they insist on sticking their oar in, based solely on the fact they haven’t suffered (or heard of ) the issue.
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