Test our parking database (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
We are looking for people to test the motorhome parking database, especially installation on their comptuers, just so we know its installing correctly.

To help goto Motorhome Parking

Once you have installed it try updting a records or adding a new parking location. Also can you goto our general comments page and tell us if it insalled ok

Thanks for your help


Free Member
May 30, 2008
Ilfracombe, Devon
Funster No
Amazon Ambassador
since 1967
Hi, on download screen no indication is given to download completion.
Software installs to c: drive by default could do with an option
Does not register new program added in program files and having searched for it using explorer when I tried to run the program it connected to the internet. Should not do that without asking first!! then reported missing files so unable to run program.
Is this safe? I you do not have adequate anti virus protection do not download it.
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Free Member
May 30, 2008
Ilfracombe, Devon
Funster No
Amazon Ambassador
since 1967
We are looking for people to test the motorhome parking database, especially installation on their comptuers, just so we know its installing correctly.

To help goto Motorhome Parking

Once you have installed it try updting a records or adding a new parking location. Also can you goto our general comments page and tell us if it insalled ok

Thanks for your help

forgot to ask who are the WE refered to?


Free Member
Jan 29, 2008
Funster No
2 Years
Downloaded & installed database without any problems.
When doing a search, even though Country & County are listed, it just searches were say the whole of wales & then just displays the data.

Perhaps this could be improved by listing alphabetically & be more specific to area's.

Apart from that, great job, well done & I'll have a better look at it & add a location over the next few days :Smile:


Deleted User
Thank you Wildman

Thank you for your observations:

1) It installs to the c drive currently because everybody has a c::bigsmile:rive. But will look into the idea of installing on other drives.

2) Does not register new program added in program files and having searched for it using explorer when I tried to run the program it connected to the internet. Should not do that

Yes you have a fair point there the file is uncompresses to pstop.exe. You should see a red like camper van in the start menu.

3) When uploading all it does is auto add to a form on the server.

4) The software is virus and spyware free.

5) Wildman can you please let me know what files it said were missing.

Thank you for taking some time to have a look at it.

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