Hello all! This is a pic of the removable table in our main living area in a 2006 Dethleffs Advantage. It has a 'knee' so it can be used at half height as the base for extra bedding.

The metal parts extend so the table can reach the side seats to better act as a dining table.
My question is if anyone else has this design, where do you store the table other than shoved into the garage somewhere.
The 'knee' means the table is either an L or a 'hook' shape; it does not fold flat. It's super awkward!
I'm hoping i just missed something obvious!

The metal parts extend so the table can reach the side seats to better act as a dining table.
My question is if anyone else has this design, where do you store the table other than shoved into the garage somewhere.
The 'knee' means the table is either an L or a 'hook' shape; it does not fold flat. It's super awkward!
I'm hoping i just missed something obvious!