Today and yesterday, I have broke my own previous solar harvest record, of 2,3kwh per day. I have banked 2,66kwh and yesterday 2,53kwh. We got two flat 295w panels, a total of 590w. I’m in sunny Kent in a orchard, no shade. At 7am I’m already getting 100-150w and by 8pm still getting 50w plus. We go away during the day and return to the pitch by 4-30-5.30pm. This is when I turn on the electric water heater. Also made use of the electric oven for couple of pizza and some bread rolls. Really happy with the performance of ultramax combined with the victron. I did not expect less from victron as I use theirs inverters since 2013 and have a fair experience with their equipment. The ultramax so far have delivered flawless service.