Yesterday I spent all day sorting the wiring in our van - it was in a dreadful state with cables not crimped properly, a cheapo solar controller (Perfect Suitor) buzzing like mad and a myriad of other issues! So, I stripped out the lot and started from scratch.
I fitted a new controller a Victron with bluetooth and made good all the wiring. So, presently I have 2 identical 124ah linked, all fused and the Victron working nicely. Now what to do with the engine crank/starter battery? I'd like to make use of the alternator charging all batteries when the engine is running but I'm aware one shouldn't connect leisure batteries and crank starter batteries together as they have different characteristics.
Any learned people out there who can suggest if I can bring the crank battery into the game and if so, how?
I fitted a new controller a Victron with bluetooth and made good all the wiring. So, presently I have 2 identical 124ah linked, all fused and the Victron working nicely. Now what to do with the engine crank/starter battery? I'd like to make use of the alternator charging all batteries when the engine is running but I'm aware one shouldn't connect leisure batteries and crank starter batteries together as they have different characteristics.
Any learned people out there who can suggest if I can bring the crank battery into the game and if so, how?