I’ve searched the forum and the net and have some experience, but specifically want to ask about taping over the roof/side seam.
I have some water ingress to the rear where It appears water pools on the dip
Of the roof and gets through the seam between roof and side. I scraped out existing mastic and plastic seal that sits under the metal seam as it was deteriorated.
I have sealed as best I can with sikaflex but as there’s some movement on roof Skin and metal seam I am considering taping over too as seam doesn’t screw down great. I’ve read about eternabond and butyl tapes - will these effectively go over the metal seam?
I have some water ingress to the rear where It appears water pools on the dip
Of the roof and gets through the seam between roof and side. I scraped out existing mastic and plastic seal that sits under the metal seam as it was deteriorated.
I have sealed as best I can with sikaflex but as there’s some movement on roof Skin and metal seam I am considering taping over too as seam doesn’t screw down great. I’ve read about eternabond and butyl tapes - will these effectively go over the metal seam?