Roadpro service (1 Viewer)

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Apr 17, 2012
Funster No
1 year
I would like to share with you the first class service i recived fom roadpro.

I won a Glomax satellite system from them off ebay just before christmas, i fitted it onto my motorhome and when i fired it up. it started making a grinding noise ?
I emailed roadpro and they replyed even though they had closed down for the christmas .
They phoned me on the monday they returned back to work,It was arranged for the satellite to be picked up the very next day.
It was returned to me a couple of days later but when i fitted it,it was not working properly, I spoke to Olly from roadpro who arranged for it to be pick up the next day so it could be inspected,opon inspection it was found a defect on the satellite drive,.
I recived a email from a mr Allen Jenner from Roadpro explaining what the problem was and explaining that they would not be happy to return it to me as it was a faulty system,but would be willing to refund my money or do me a very good deal on a Roadpro 40cm dome, I went for the Roadpro dome and it was delivered to me the next day !!!!!!!!!
It is now on my van and working fine.
Many thanks to Olly and AJ for everything they did for me , and many thanks to Roadpro for what i though was excellent customer service.

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