Greetings All,
First of all, I would like to apologise for using 'Motorhome Chat' as the conduit to pass on this information
but should I have used the Scheduled Rally section only the sad and bewildered would have read it and, to
be honest, we've got enough of them already. ( Nothing like ingratiating yourself with your audience is there?)
We have been 'FULL' for the rally since the day it was published. Funsters have booked and retracted and the Reserves
have taken their places.
We originally had a limit of 30 Units but I've recently been speaking to the owners, John and Lisa and....................
This is what you have to do if you want one of the four places available.
Go to the 'Easter at Avon Bank' on the 'Scheduled Rallies' Forum
Post a message on there to say that you want to come.
First Four Funsters to Post get the places
Essential Info. 12noon Thursday 9th April to 10.00am Tuesday 14th April
Cost £58
That's it, away you go.
First of all, I would like to apologise for using 'Motorhome Chat' as the conduit to pass on this information
but should I have used the Scheduled Rally section only the sad and bewildered would have read it and, to
be honest, we've got enough of them already. ( Nothing like ingratiating yourself with your audience is there?)
We have been 'FULL' for the rally since the day it was published. Funsters have booked and retracted and the Reserves
have taken their places.
We originally had a limit of 30 Units but I've recently been speaking to the owners, John and Lisa and....................
This is what you have to do if you want one of the four places available.
Go to the 'Easter at Avon Bank' on the 'Scheduled Rallies' Forum
Post a message on there to say that you want to come.
First Four Funsters to Post get the places
Essential Info. 12noon Thursday 9th April to 10.00am Tuesday 14th April
Cost £58
That's it, away you go.