I am trying to earn Brownie points as the best Mummy in the world! Our old Quest 4 did sterling service over many years for us, and then throughout the Covid summer as a shelter for our student son and his mates. It got shredded in a terrible storm in September. We were going to buy a new one in the Spring. As we are in Tier 2 and my precious baby will be returning from Uni shortly for goodness knows how long I had a brainwave. It’s a gazebo so he can meet a mate or two in there.
He won’t push the boundaries. Unlike the pictures in the press he and his mates are very worried about Coronavirus and whilst they’d like to meet up they’ll only do it if it’s safe. He went back to Uni at the beginning of October and has not had a single lecture or tutorial face to face, so much for the “blended” course. He hasn’t been onto the Campus once!
He won’t push the boundaries. Unlike the pictures in the press he and his mates are very worried about Coronavirus and whilst they’d like to meet up they’ll only do it if it’s safe. He went back to Uni at the beginning of October and has not had a single lecture or tutorial face to face, so much for the “blended” course. He hasn’t been onto the Campus once!