Hi everyone, I have a 2012 Fiat Ducato 150 multijet Campervan, I am in the process of fitting a rear view camera at high level that is integral with the brake light, I went to undo the old brake light lens, one of the screws undone OK but the other one was really tight until it eventually just started spinning, the screw has caught on whats left of the retaining thread holder and it wont come out, looks like I will have to break the lens to get it off, touble is I think the base under the plastic is fastened from inside the caravan and I have little space to undo it as the wall of the bedroom is about 75mm from what looks like access points to undo what I think are retaining nuts, I have taken a picture of the area, I hope I have explained it OK, it has a high level bed and underneath is a two bike garage and is sealed form the rest of the caravan, it is the rear wall of the bed that is seen in the pic.