This is our third trip in our first van and we’d planned to do some wild camping, with lots of Plan B’s. Noticed we were nearly out of gas in the underslung tank - no worries, let’s go get our first go at filling up the gas….
Used the MyLPG app - but what’s this - seems everywhere I’m looking at is ‘Temporarily out of order’!? Nevermind, here’s a Morrison’s.
Nope, none. Next placed closed at 4pm. Another Morrison’s - nowt! Ok, we’re going East Coast - there’s a couple over there. Nope, pumps locked up.
So, had to give up and panic book into a CL.
There’s a rural oil supplier we’re gonna try tomorrow morning, but if this is the state of play, how long before it’s just untenable to go away, certainly off grid?
I’ve (hastily) scanned the interwebs, but not seen anything recent about a major problem. Autogas mention problems on their own site, but there’s not any ‘THERE’S NO LPG ANYWHERE’ articles.
What’s people’s thoughts?