The top rear tail lamp has gone out. I think it might be a duff wire somewhere as it did work intermittently so maybe not a duff LED.
I have traced the wire to a real mess of a connection box under the rear of the van but cannot be sure which wire it is that I need to investigate.
Also I see that the wire to one of the rear parking sensors has come adrift. Time for a professional I think.
Can anyone recommend somewhere in the Worcs/Gos area that is good?
Many thanks
Adria Matrix M/H
I have traced the wire to a real mess of a connection box under the rear of the van but cannot be sure which wire it is that I need to investigate.
Also I see that the wire to one of the rear parking sensors has come adrift. Time for a professional I think.
Can anyone recommend somewhere in the Worcs/Gos area that is good?
Many thanks
Adria Matrix M/H