Morella Aire. (1 Viewer)

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Aug 24, 2015
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Since 2014
Morella improves the area of motorhomes

This action has a budget of 41,000 euros to improve access and service

2,700 overnight stays in the area d motorhomes have been during this 2018

Morella improves the area of motorhomes with the help of Tourism of the Valencian Community. Thus, the action aims to condition access to this area by paving the road from the road to the parking lot. In addition, the recreational area has been cleaned, the furniture has been repaired and changed, the signage has been renewed and the lighting of the whole area has been improved. This action has a budget of 41,000 euros.

The Councilor for Tourism, Jorge Garcia, stressed that "the area of motorhomes is very important, since every year receives thousands of visitors and must be in the best conditions to offer a good service." In addition, he explained that "the most significant part of the action is that it will pave the access ramp to the car park from the road". The mayor has commented that "the year 2017 overnight 2,500 caravans and this 2018 have registered more than 2,700 before the end of the year."

The motorhome area of Morella is located on the outskirts of the city, about two kilometers away. This was a pioneer in the Valencian Community and quality was recognized in the main tourist guides of the European continent as ADAC Stellplatz-Führer guide, which recommended parking in the town and highlighted its facilities. In addition, it stands out for offering an impressive view of the city and the walls.
Aug 31, 2016
Funster No
A class
Since 2008
Very nice Aire and very nice town, ramp from the parking area up to the main road gravel, but OK just take it easy.
Lovely walk up to the ruins at top, well worth a visit peaceful and free.


Free Member
Aug 24, 2015
Funster No
A class
Since 2014
Very nice Aire and very nice town, ramp from the parking area up to the main road gravel, but OK just take it easy.
Lovely walk up to the ruins at top, well worth a visit peaceful and free.
Agreed. Very good stopover en route from Pamplona / Zaragoza to the Costas. Town is well worth a visit
Jan 13, 2014
Leeds - Yorkshire
Funster No
Globe Traveller
This is a quiet Aire, however, the waste drain ( it’s simply a drain hole) requires serious attention as it’s on a plinth about 3” high and can take some manouvering to get your MH disposal point over it.
Morella is particularly attractive but you need to be agile as climbing and steps are the order of the day if you want to see anything other then the Main Street.
It’s a hard walk from the Aire to the town 1km+ but you can drive up and park in the Car Park that pretty much surrounds the place and it’s free away from the Summer months, we drove up in the morning and returned in the evening.
Much to do see and the area is great for serious Mountain biking.

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