lip sync out of kilter? (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Hi everyone, I have an auto sat dish coupled to a dreambox for TV entertainment, frequently I find that the lip sync suffers latency, a quick fix I've found, is to change channel and then back again, does anyone else have this problem?

Also the dish which is a LCS autsat 2 'rattles' if thats the right word in even the smallest of breezes?

Regards MnD:Smile:

Peter JohnsCross MH

Deceased RIP
Jan 5, 2008
East Sussex
Funster No
Yes its due to some sort of technical delay in between the audio and visual transmission signals, beyond me to explain it.

Dunno about the rattles!


Deleted User
Tis strange that it does'nt happen at home John, thru a regular dish/sky digibox:RollEyes:

American Dream

Free Member
Aug 20, 2007
Funster No
I occasionally get the problem at home on Sky due to the poor power supply at times.

Same fix.Change channels or power down for a sec.

Use a UPS (BATTERY BACKED POWER SUPPLY) and it sorts it.:thumb:

Peter JohnsCross MH

Deceased RIP
Jan 5, 2008
East Sussex
Funster No
Tis strange that it does'nt happen at home John, thru a regular dish/sky digibox:RollEyes:

Different system and it wont rattle cos its bolted to your roof/chimney/wall!


The full tecnical explanation is somewhere on the net............

By far the most common current cause of lip synch issues, though, is the picture processing employed by today's digital displays - be they plasma, LCD or DLP in nature. In fact, with flat panel TVs currently selling like the proverbial hot cakes, lip synch problems have started to become so common that a handful of higher end receivers and DVD players have started to add audio delay options among their feature lists.

But what can you do if you're experiencing lip synch issues and neither your amp nor your DVD player provides such audio delay options? Answer: get an external audio delay device such as Felston's DD540…

The DD540 is a rather unassuming little grey box that looks like an escapee from an intensive care unit or mad scientist's laboratory. But don't be put off; it's really a lot less scarily teccy than it looks.

Essentially all it does is sit between the digital audio output of your DVD player and/or Sky Plus Digital or Homechoice receiver and the digital audio inputs on your AV receiver, 'holding up' the audio signal by a user-adjustable amount until it tallies perfectly with the final video picture.

To set it up, you just plug it into the mains, insert the optical or coaxial cable from your DVD player/Sky box into one of the optical or coaxial input sockets on the DD540, then connect the unit's optical or coaxial output sockets to the digital inputs of your AV amp. And that, essentially is that.

The audio delay is adjustable in steps as small as one millisecond via a provided remote control: between 0 and 680milliseconds for a standard digital audio feed, and 0 and 340ms for a high resolution, 96kHz feed. What's more, you can set up to six preset audio delay values for each of the unit's two inputs, which should be more than enough to cope with the specific problems encountered with different source equipment or DVD discs.

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Deleted User
hi mnd,excuse my ignorance but what is a dreambox? I have an oyster set up,what advantage would a dreambox be? regards paddywhack.

Hi, A dreambox is another piece of kit that allows you to watch Sat TV channels in the same way a Sky digibox does, it has lots of other features, but that's it's most common use.
One main advantage is I can take my Sky subscription card from home and use it in the DB to watch encrypted channels I pay for, without the hassle of taking the paired digibox from home.

More info here mate:Smile: SMS The Dreamboxshop official distributors of Dream- multimedia satellite receivers.

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