Hi, I'm sure there probably is an answer on the forums for this question. I have searched and what I find seems to be very open depending on each individuals circumstances.
Where we park JEM there is no electric hook up, so the leisure battery is left without getting charge. The last two nights since getting her she has been outside the house and plugged in. But today we dropped her off at the farm, and made sure everything is switched off. This time its only for four days as we going to get her Friday night, Saturday morning. Once back here she will be plugged into the mains again.
ok waffling part over........
When she is being left for more than a few days at the farm, what will be the best way to deal with the leisure battery not being charged? have thought long and hard about this and came up with a few options, but really need to hear from you lot on what you do and how you do it.
1) solar battery maintainer in the windscreen, topping it up. ones I have looked at seem to have an intelligent charger.
2) disconnecting battery and bring it home to be trickle charged till its required again.
3) disconnecting battery and leaving it in place and hope that its discharge rate is very very very slow.
4) solar panels installed. This seems rather over kill, as we have no plan on being off grid.
Really would appreciate your ideas, thoughts, solutions. BTW this is our first ever motorhome, and we only got JEM on Saturday morning.
Where we park JEM there is no electric hook up, so the leisure battery is left without getting charge. The last two nights since getting her she has been outside the house and plugged in. But today we dropped her off at the farm, and made sure everything is switched off. This time its only for four days as we going to get her Friday night, Saturday morning. Once back here she will be plugged into the mains again.
ok waffling part over........
When she is being left for more than a few days at the farm, what will be the best way to deal with the leisure battery not being charged? have thought long and hard about this and came up with a few options, but really need to hear from you lot on what you do and how you do it.
1) solar battery maintainer in the windscreen, topping it up. ones I have looked at seem to have an intelligent charger.
2) disconnecting battery and bring it home to be trickle charged till its required again.
3) disconnecting battery and leaving it in place and hope that its discharge rate is very very very slow.
4) solar panels installed. This seems rather over kill, as we have no plan on being off grid.
Really would appreciate your ideas, thoughts, solutions. BTW this is our first ever motorhome, and we only got JEM on Saturday morning.