If you're coming to Newark and need a coach! (1 Viewer)

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If you happen to be at the Newark show this coming weekend and are looking for an RV, then we would be happy to let you see our beloved Winnie 31RQ.

We can't attend but the coach is only 10 minutes away from the showground and we would be happy to try and accomodate anybody who wants to have a look with a view to buying her. She is a 94/95 31RQ with the 6.5 Chevy diesel and in lovely condition. We moved out of her and into a Monaco and can't justify hanging on to her any longer. She offers tremendous value for money at well less than £20k and has served us very well. If I could unbolt the reliability, simplicity and all round practicality from the Winnie and bolt it on to the Monaco, I would have the perfect coach.

Mike and Jill


Deleted User
Hi Mike,

Have you advertised her in our classifieds section? It's free don't ya know ::bigsmile:


Deleted User
Hi Bryan,

It's good to see from your avtar/self portrait that you took my advice and got a makeover!!

Unfortunately I have lost all of my original photo's of our Pooh so can't post any until the weekend, but yup, I do intend to put her in the classified section after I've done me David Bailey bit!

Hope you and Suzy are both OK and hope to catch up with you soon.
Jul 20, 2007
Funster No
A Class
Since 1999
Just wanted to bump this up a bit and also say that we know this coach, and have driven it, but unfortunately we were enticed by our Pusher. I say unfortunately because this is a superb coach, it has been lovingly cared for and has wanted for nothing. We met Mike, Jill and Pooh the first weekend that they had it and have kept in touch ever since.
Sorry that we didn't buy it now :Doh::Doh:
Whoever buys this will have a fabulous bus to be proud of, good luck with the sale :thumb:


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