My sat picture locks up after 20 seconds. I get a perfect picture & sound on initial turn on. But it freezes after approximately 20 seconds. Once frozen it will not change channel etc until restarted. This happens on both Astra & 907.
I am using an Jackson Oyster III dish & a Icecrypt receiver . The dish can find both Astra & 907 without problems. If I use the integral sat receiver in the TV it works perfectly. So this makes me think there is a problem with the Icecyrpt box.
Has any one had the same problem.
I am using an Jackson Oyster III dish & a Icecrypt receiver . The dish can find both Astra & 907 without problems. If I use the integral sat receiver in the TV it works perfectly. So this makes me think there is a problem with the Icecyrpt box.
Has any one had the same problem.