How Hardy are you Rally Goers ? (1 Viewer)

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I've just been looking at some pics for a Rally with the MotorhomeList group.

Here's a pic of someone having to be towed ONTO the rally field.

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Would you take the risk getting ON to the field ?

And, here's another one getting towed OFF again after the Rally :ROFLMAO:

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I don't think I'd do it in the RV :Eeek:


PS There's a Rally being organised between various different forums (Motorhome-Living, Wildcamping and Motorhometoday) - might it be something MHFun should join too ?

Here are the details :-

A Joint Meet-up

Stratford upon Avon - Friday 18th April to Monday 21st April

Riverside Caravan Park,
Tiddington Road,
Stratford Upon Avon
CV37 7AB

Price per night; £7

This meet / rally is essentially a chance to meet up with members of other motorhome forums including:
Motorhome-Living, Wildcamping, and Motorhometoday

Don Madge

Deceased RIP
Aug 27, 2007
East Yorks
Funster No
Van Conversion
Too Long
Hi Paul,

The pics were taken at Bloxham steam fair in June, I was there and my Timberland was towed off the field by two 4x4's.:Blush::Blush:

There was a couple of ARV's there but I don't know how they got on as I was one of the first out on the Sunday morning.

I think you will find it's the Motorhome-List not Living that is involved in the meet.:Smile:

You need to watch the dates as this years get together coincided with the Peterborough Show.:Blush:

I think (Voxy) the organiser would have checked that the dates don't clash next year.

The venue is a good place to have a get together, it's an easy walk into Stratford on Avon.

If all goes to plan we will be in Crete.:Cool:

Safe travelling


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