So, the lovely electric steps on our Ace Siena started going a little "wonky" - i.e. seeming to give a little on one side when you stood on them. Initially I thought it might just be wear and tear but then discovered the sorry state of affairs that I have tried to capture in the accompanying photos. The photos show the crime scene from below and above - the Siena has a sort of plastic tray for the door mat that is served to the floor and was doing a grand job of obscuring the scene from above.
It seems there has been some ingress of water down the hinge side of the habitation door, not that I can find evidence of where it is getting in and haven't seen any such evidence all the time we've been using it. The result is that the plywood floor in one corner is now damp and soft and that accounts for the 'give' in the steps.
I have a super skilled laminator (years of boat repair experience) coming to look at it but would like a Plan B in case he is flummoxed by what he sees (I think to get at it properly an internal bulkhead behind the passenger seat needs to be removed along with the habitation door and frame and, of course, the steps themselves) so the question is: does anyone know of a motorhome repair specialist in the Hampshire area that might be able to take this on?
It seems there has been some ingress of water down the hinge side of the habitation door, not that I can find evidence of where it is getting in and haven't seen any such evidence all the time we've been using it. The result is that the plywood floor in one corner is now damp and soft and that accounts for the 'give' in the steps.
I have a super skilled laminator (years of boat repair experience) coming to look at it but would like a Plan B in case he is flummoxed by what he sees (I think to get at it properly an internal bulkhead behind the passenger seat needs to be removed along with the habitation door and frame and, of course, the steps themselves) so the question is: does anyone know of a motorhome repair specialist in the Hampshire area that might be able to take this on?