Home at last unfortunately (1 Viewer)

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Dec 9, 2007
Funster No
c class
8 years
Well, after our five months abroad, we have made it back home. It has been a struggle getting the home phone and internet connected again as we cancelled them all before departing. Any-way all back on now. We now ave to get the house rented out and then we shall be straight back out there.

We had a fantastic time touring mostly France and some of Spain, even taking in the Paris motorhome show which was really good. Our trip was a good learning curve, not least getting on with each other 24/7 and in a small space. But on that score I can report a resounding success allbeit with a couple of little tiffs.

We used the Aires in English book extensively and it has fallen apart. Our biggest problem was size of our van which is 8.5M long and 3.5M high, this caused us a few problems when using some sites. I think I will now subscribe to the 'Big Pitch Guide'.

We met some really nice people and picked up lots of tips and have kept in touch whilst travelling. My biggest bugbear was lack of internet access, especially in France. I shall be asking on here about this shortly but my main problem now is replacing the Seitz window which we broke after a tight turning onto a Pitch. Does any-one know where I can source just the glass or the whole unit if I have to? I did post on here some time ago from France but I had no replies.

Any-way I shall post an extensive account of our trip when I have more time.

cheers for now.

Dec 29, 2007
Funster No
Since 1996
We have just returned home as well. Missing France already and wishing we hadn't come home!

By the way the Vendee has good WiFi spots and you sign up online. Cost 1€ for 24 hours so very good value for money. A drop down box lets you choose how many days you want to sign up for.

I only did 24 hrs at a time as wasn't sure where we would be. The cost on credit card account showed I was charged 80p (this included a 2p charge by the card company). So not bad.

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