Helping thy neighbour (1 Viewer)

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May 17, 2016
Funster No
2nd base
A van neighbour caught me just before I was away to close the blinds. His sat doesn't seem to be working.

He has a Roadpro dome thingy with a bulky black box inside. It's making a noise like it is searching for signal but no programs come up on his Avtex TV.

He says he parks here all the time and never has trouble getting signal so gotta take him on his word there.

I seemed to get the tv to scan and report it had found 70 odd channels but then it just went back to the 'no signal' screen.

The roadpro unit seems to be making a lot of noise to me and I don't think it is locking on to anything but I'm not to good with these things.

Any advice or ideas I can pass on?

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