Help needed for new to me 1983 SOuthwind Fleetwood! (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Hi - after years of dreaming I bought a 1983 Southwind Fleetwood on a chevvy 66.2 diesel. Is great! We borrowed if from a friend, loved it and now own it! She is called Phoebe (!) and is a well loved, yet old RV. I urgently need some parts - Ive looked everywhere for a front indicator assembly that sits in the bumper. ALso all the headlights have stopped working. The manual (small one) says there is a cutoff in the switch - anyone any idea how I get them going again? ALso - the handbrake doesnt lock on. Any ideas? Im keen to be safe and road legal as we REALLY want to make the most of an Indian Summer (lets hope eh?!) Thanks all. From a family of new Rv'ers!


Free Member
Jul 28, 2007
Landrake, Cornwall
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40 +
Hi Matt simms - welcome to the fun forum.

You have lots of old codgers on here, who, I am sure will be able to help you - once they wake up this morning.............

In the meantime you might do worse than try:

<here> for Stateside Tuning

or <here> for Star Spangled Spanner

or <here> for mechanic Dave Evans

or <here> for West Midland American Motorhomes

or <here> where you click on the 'RV Links' tab and work your way through the reference library

or <here> for ABP Accessories

Just for a start.......
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Dec 1, 2007
Dorset - 6months, Spain - 6months
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2 years
Hi Matt

Thought this post looked familiar. Is your engine at the front or the rear of your coach? If at the front, the parking brake works on a clutch on the prop shaft, not on the brakes themselves (don't know about rear engined settup). It may only need adjusting.

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Deleted User
its a diesel puller. I guess a mechanic can adjust it. Thanks for the web links - a couple there Ive not tried. Hello all you old codgers! Love it!:Cool:
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American Dream

Free Member
Aug 20, 2007
Funster No
Hi - after years of dreaming I bought a 1983 Southwind Fleetwood on a chevvy 66.2 diesel. Is great! We borrowed if from a friend, loved it and now own it! She is called Phoebe (!) and is a well loved, yet old RV. I urgently need some parts - Ive looked everywhere for a front indicator assembly that sits in the bumper. ALso all the headlights have stopped working. The manual (small one) says there is a cutoff in the switch - anyone any idea how I get them going again? ALso - the handbrake doesnt lock on. Any ideas? Im keen to be safe and road legal as we REALLY want to make the most of an Indian Summer (lets hope eh?!) Thanks all. From a family of new Rv'ers!

Hi Mattsims,

Welcome to the site.....

I always look towards the Rock Autos Site in the States. Auto Parts Fast at RockAuto

They can almost always supply any part I require and quick delivery too.:thumb:

Can you scan and post the wiring diagram from the manual?

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Deleted User
On inspecting the fuses on Ians recommendation - all were fine. However, I accidentally droped one causing me to pullup the drivers side carpet. This revealed the problem - a cable had disconnected from the footswitch selector stopping ALL the lights working! They all work a treat! 1 problem down, 101 to go! Now, if I can just get those air horns working! ANyone a wiring diagram on how they shoudl be connected to the existing horn circuit? Thanks!!! Still lovin it!:
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American Dream

Free Member
Aug 20, 2007
Funster No
On inspecting the fuses on Ians recommendation - all were fine. However, I accidentally droped one causing me to pullup the drivers side carpet. This revealed the problem - a cable had disconnected from the footswitch selector stopping ALL the lights working! They all work a treat! 1 problem down, 101 to go! Now, if I can just get those air horns working! ANyone a wiring diagram on how they shoudl be connected to the existing horn circuit? Thanks!!! Still lovin it!:

Try HERE. (Page 5)

Excellent news.Good luck with the RV.:thumb:
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Deleted User
thanks everyone who posted on this thread. I have made some really useful contacts in Duncan at Starspangledspanner and Aus at Freedom RV. I also spoke to a chap at Mobile RV who was equally helpful. Hope to meet up with them all at Shepton Mallet this Saturday. Im even taking friends who are thinking of buying a MH. Im telling them RV is the way forward! What a great community this is. I hope I can be of help to someone one day on here!
Rock on !
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