I'm puzzled and would appreciate some help.
2018 Rapido 680f on Fiat Ducati base. I've been using the 12v cab lighter socket to run a tyre inflator. On the final tyre it stopped working. I spent ages trying to get into the under bonnet fuse box and with the help of a phone call to my local garage finally got into it by removing the headlamp unit. So then I checked fuse 15 which according to the Fiat manual is the fuse for the offending socket. It hadn't blown?
I use this socket for my reversing camera and dash cam so it's important that I get it working. It's an ignition on socket as is the USB socket next to it (which works ok). I've checked and there is no power going into the socket.
I've removed various panels to try and see if there is an inline fuse but haven't located one.
Really don't know what else to try.
I'm sure there will be some experts on this forum who can help me get it sorted before Monday.
Helpful comments will be appreciated.
2018 Rapido 680f on Fiat Ducati base. I've been using the 12v cab lighter socket to run a tyre inflator. On the final tyre it stopped working. I spent ages trying to get into the under bonnet fuse box and with the help of a phone call to my local garage finally got into it by removing the headlamp unit. So then I checked fuse 15 which according to the Fiat manual is the fuse for the offending socket. It hadn't blown?
I use this socket for my reversing camera and dash cam so it's important that I get it working. It's an ignition on socket as is the USB socket next to it (which works ok). I've checked and there is no power going into the socket.
I've removed various panels to try and see if there is an inline fuse but haven't located one.
Really don't know what else to try.
I'm sure there will be some experts on this forum who can help me get it sorted before Monday.
Helpful comments will be appreciated.