If you have some good info to impart that you appreciate might appeal to Funsters you should consider writing an article about it. With millions of posts, good information can disappear quickly. So, If your information could be expressed as an article, consider this instead.
Articles are discussed just like a thread, in fact, if you write an article then we automatically make a thread to discuss it. But the article doesn't quickly disappear as a post might. All articles you write are recorded against your name and you can even fill out a byline in preferencesBroken Link Removed so your author info appears under your article.
So what sort of article?
Anything you like, maybe you've just toured WW2 battlefields, modified your van, learned a lot about a region of France, How to cross the channel, how you polish your motorhome, etc If you have a different take on an article that is already there please add it.
Articles can be seen by anyone/everyone. Only subscribed members can write one. Presently I'm the only article author there, to remedy that go to the Article Section, choose the orange Add Article button, choose a category and write away I look forward to seeing some new additions. [Broken Link Removed]
Articles are discussed just like a thread, in fact, if you write an article then we automatically make a thread to discuss it. But the article doesn't quickly disappear as a post might. All articles you write are recorded against your name and you can even fill out a byline in preferencesBroken Link Removed so your author info appears under your article.
So what sort of article?
Anything you like, maybe you've just toured WW2 battlefields, modified your van, learned a lot about a region of France, How to cross the channel, how you polish your motorhome, etc If you have a different take on an article that is already there please add it.
Articles can be seen by anyone/everyone. Only subscribed members can write one. Presently I'm the only article author there, to remedy that go to the Article Section, choose the orange Add Article button, choose a category and write away I look forward to seeing some new additions. [Broken Link Removed]