External locker key (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Thought i'd just checkout the battery compartment with a veiw to adding an additional battery ( that will have to be another thread)

Anyway the end of the locker key has broken off !! must have had a fracture as there was little or no force used. Not a real problem as i do have a spare ;but would like a replacement.

Motorhome is an auto trail tracker,

Can i get these cut locally or do i have to order one from the manufacturer, there is a number stamped on the key which has the profile of yale key but smaller.

Regards Roy

Stephen & Jeannie

Free Member
Aug 27, 2008
Gobowen near Oswestry !!
Funster No
Sold and bought a Caravan
9 years !!!!
I have an auto-trail scout and encountered a similar problem with the ladder key ! Timpsons sorted it out so it can't be too much of a specialist key ! Just don't get locked out of the MH (as was i at the NH car park in Kynance Cove) it took 2 hours for the mechanic to get in ! but that's another story ! :cry:

Peter JohnsCross MH

Deceased RIP
Jan 5, 2008
East Sussex
Funster No
Thought i'd just checkout the battery compartment with a veiw to adding an additional battery ( that will have to be another thread)

Anyway the end of the locker key has broken off !! must have had a fracture as there was little or no force used. Not a real problem as i do have a spare ;but would like a replacement.

Motorhome is an auto trail tracker,

Can i get these cut locally or do i have to order one from the manufacturer, there is a number stamped on the key which has the profile of yale key but smaller.

Regards Roy

Quicker, easier and cheaper to get one cut locally if they have a similiar blank



Deleted User
I have an auto-trail scout and encountered a similar problem with the ladder key ! Timpsons sorted it out so it can't be too much of a specialist key ! Just don't get locked out of the MH (as was i at the NH car park in Kynance Cove) it took 2 hours for the mechanic to get in ! but that's another story ! :cry:

Thanks just googled for a local Timsons site and there's one a couple of miles away.
Your story reminds me of a situation that happened to me (some time ago) Late for work one day , needed to get there on time,then it was a clocking -in card system. So i drove up to the office to clock in, jumped out pushed the button down then shut the car door aaahhhh!! I'd left the car running with the keys in the ignition.
Needless to say i was late for work 1/2 hour with a piece of wire and a bit of string.
guess we live and learn.

Quicker, easier and cheaper to get one cut locally if they have a similiar blank


Thanks peter wasn't sure if it was a special, didn't fancy getting the plastercine out again lol

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